what is my advantage


Well-Known Member
using hi lo with the illustrious 18 and a 5 - 150 spread with 5/6 decks dealt out and house edge of .46%(6d,h17,das,rsa,LS), what is my advantage/hourly expectation? any help with how to figure out my edge over the house would be greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
You're probably approaching 1.5%. That's a big spread, and good penetration. I'm just making a guess, though. Blackjack Attack has the answer.


Well-Known Member
whats my advantage

yea im just gonna buy Blackjack Attack, ive heard a lot of good references about it. thanks for the response


Well-Known Member
mjbballar23 said:
using hi lo with the illustrious 18 and a 5 - 150 spread with 5/6 decks dealt out and house edge of .46%(6d,h17,das,rsa,LS), what is my advantage/hourly expectation? any help with how to figure out my edge over the house would be greatly appreciated.
EV= 1.682%
$Hr= 20.63
This is with a full table.