What is the best system?


Well-Known Member
Card counting is about finding out which cards have been dealt or not and figuring out what the next card is and bet accordingly right? well, wouldn't the best system be just memorizing what cards already came out and know the number of decks being used to determine how many of each card is left to be played? then that person can calculate the odds for a specific card or range of cards.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
eor count

That would be effect of removal for betting and playing. We don't have to be that complicated. Ex. Halves has a .99 betting correlation. Also, counts have different strengths. Ex. Halves may be the best overall, especially if wonging shoes.

The best? Possibly halves, strong in all games.
If pitch specialist hi op II with A side count (I would not recommend side counts, others differ). Others may prefer other counts, especially for pitch.

If simple math is not quick and easy hi Lo or easier counts are just fine.


Well-Known Member
Daggers said:
well, wouldn't the best system be just memorizing what cards already came out and know the number of decks being used to determine how many of each card is left to be played?
That system is sometimes referred to as Snyder's Folly.

"Some time back, I developed a counting system, which I humbly dubbed "Snyder's Folly," based on a combination of numbers, subtle body postures, and code words, which allowed me to keep perfect track of the exact number of every denomination of card remaining in a single-deck."



Well-Known Member
Daggers said:
Card counting is about finding out which cards have been dealt or not and figuring out what the next card is and bet accordingly right? well, wouldn't the best system be just memorizing what cards already came out and know the number of decks being used to determine how many of each card is left to be played? then that person can calculate the odds for a specific card or range of cards.
I'm not sure you understand what card counting exactly is. I could be wrong, but your wording says to me that you think card counters can predict what EXACT cards are coming out :confused:. Look up the Hi / Lo card counting system and go from there. I'd say start with Hi / Lo as it is one of the easiest to understand.


Well-Known Member
Daggers said:
Card counting is about finding out which cards have been dealt or not and figuring out what the next card is and bet accordingly right?
No, card counting is all about estimating the house edge before each bet. It also has the added benefit of being able to help you make certain playing decisions more accurately.



Well-Known Member
Daggers said:
Card counting is about finding out which cards have been dealt or not and figuring out what the next card is and bet accordingly right? well, wouldn't the best system be just memorizing what cards already came out and know the number of decks being used to determine how many of each card is left to be played? then that person can calculate the odds for a specific card or range of cards.
Somebody's been watching too many movies. :) Hey if you're capable of memorizing all the cards in a shoe, go for it, but I get a headache just thinking about it. It probably wouldn't benefit you very much even if you have the capability to do so, because there will be so many unplayed, unseen cards. In other words, there is no way to know what the next card is going to be or even what it is likely to be (at least with any degree of certainty), so what would be the point of memorizing each and every card?


You took my queen. I've got a ten. I needed that queen.
I can't take it. I need my own queen.
There's lots of them.
'There's lots of them'?
Lots and lots of them.
Hold on here for a second.
I'm gonna double down.
Queen. Queen.
Queen. Yes!


Daggers said:
Card counting is about finding out which cards have been dealt or not and figuring out what the next card is and bet accordingly right? well, wouldn't the best system be just memorizing what cards already came out and know the number of decks being used to determine how many of each card is left to be played? then that person can calculate the odds for a specific card or range of cards.
The BEST is KO because it garners the most amount of gain with the least amount of effort. zg


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
so what would be the point of memorizing each and every card?
would using the counting systems together work then? because each one will give a slightly different count for the cards that have come out. then i would just find the different counts to get a better picture of it. would that give me better odds?

i can memorize what cards come out of one deck. im working on 6 decks right now and im almost there. the way i do this is imagine 10 columns. Then as each value comes out, put 1 in the respective column. When another of the same comes out, it's now a 2. And all you have to do is know the number of decks to find out how many of each card is in there. All it is is like memorizing a 10 digit number that changes with every hand. 10 digits isn't that hard.


Daggers said:
would using the counting systems together work then? because each one will give a slightly different count for the cards that have come out. then i would just find the different counts to get a better picture of it. would that give me better odds?

i can memorize what cards come out of one deck. im working on 6 decks right now and im almost there. the way i do this is imagine 10 columns. Then as each value comes out, put 1 in the respective column. When another of the same comes out, it's now a 2. And all you have to do is know the number of decks to find out how many of each card is in there. All it is is like memorizing a 10 digit number that changes with every hand. 10 digits isn't that hard.
Read Sonnys link on Snyders Folly. He was able to do what you are talking about, but found that he couldn't always process the information fast enough to make accurate strategy decisions.

I would be interested to see if someone has ever simulated something like this, just to see what the player edge could be. I personally could never maintain 10 counts at the same time.


Well-Known Member
so lets say a person was able to process that information fast enough, snyder's folly would be successful?


I wasn't going to say what I use because most don't think the power necessary to use it is worth it but if you can do that the count I use should be easy. I use HIOPT II with an ace side count. It is hands down the statistically best system in all the important categories. Where people argue it losses ground is it costs some people speed (hands/hour). Some people don't have the ability to do it properly. Some people are doing other things besides counting to gain an edge and prefer an easy counting system so the can concentrate more on those things. The extra effort shows results the most in single and double deck games. There it makes a huge difference over very simple counts.


Daggers said:
so lets say a person was able to process that information fast enough, snyder's folly would be successful?
Very. They don't call it Snyder's folly for nothing. You stated the BIG IF.