What is the disadvantage


Well-Known Member
In one of the Indian casino's in San Diego, they have opened a $25, two deck pitch game. No surrender, dealer hits soft 17, DAS, split any two cards BUT only split once. (If you split 6/6 and get another 6, you are stuck with 12, on one hand. What is the additional house edge, since you can only split once???? Is this disadvantage enough to stay away from the game? This is the only 2 deck game in the casion.
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Well-Known Member
tedloc said:
In one of the Indian casino's in San Diego, they have opened a $25, two deck pitch game. No surrender, dealer hits soft 17, DAS, split any two cards BUT only split once. (If you split 6/6 and get another 6, you are stuck with 12, on one hand. What is the additional house edge, since you can only split once???? Is this disadvantage enough to stay away from the game? This is the only 2 deck game in the casion.
This website should answer your question http://wizardofodds.com/blackjack


Well-Known Member
The game is playable but not ideal!

For me my definition of a playable game in blackjack is a game with a house edge of .5% or under using basic stragedy. The effect of not being able to resplit is relatively small. For all pairs except aces it adds a .05% advantage to the house in a 2 deck game. If you factor in the ability of not being able to resplit aces it adds another .05% advantage for a total of .10% advantage. Your relistic disadvantage is .49% which is under the .5% disadvantage I require so it is playable.


Well-Known Member
In Snyder's book "Blackbelt in Blackjack" he outlines a rather easy way to figure out (on the fly) if a game is worth playing or not called the 'Snyder Profit Index'. It's on page 121. I believe it was developed so that you could-at a glance and in casino situation (where you can't whip out your laptop to check wizardofodds) get a pretty good idea of playable, spread needed, etc. etc.



Well-Known Member
eps6724 said:
In Snyder's book "Blackbelt in Blackjack" he outlines a rather easy way to figure out (on the fly) if a game is worth playing or not called the 'Snyder Profit Index'. It's on page 121. I believe it was developed so that you could-at a glance and in casino situation (where you can't whip out your laptop to check wizardofodds) get a pretty good idea of playable, spread needed, etc. etc.

i must have missed that page, thanks for the tip!


Well-Known Member
Mimosine said:
i must have missed that page, thanks for the tip!
My pleasure. I have gotten a lot of good tips from this site, along with a lot of helpful people helping MY understanding that I'm glad to help someone else!!!



Well-Known Member
can you give an approximate figure for bankroll and penetration? This will have a huge impact on whether you should even consider playing this game.

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