What is the proper buy in amount?


Well-Known Member
Mathematical Answer
It will depend on your max bet, your playing style and the length of your sessions. If you are Wonging then you’ll want enough chips in your pocket to cover several max bets. If you are playing-all then you can get away with less. It looks good when you buy in for more and start “steaming.” Just don’t buy in too small because you’ll waste too much time and irritate the dealer by buying in too often. You can always raise your buy-ins as your bets increase. In general, buying in for 20 units at a time can be a good compromise.

Real World Answer
Buy in for what everybody else buys in for. You want to blend in, right? If everyone else buys in with five crumpled up $20 bills then you should too. If you buy in for too much and start playing with your minimum bet you might get heat from the start. If it’s one of your regular casinos then you should have a bunch of chips saved from your last sessions (You don’t cash them in after every session, do you?). In a pinch you can always buy a bunch of chips from the cage and play out of your pockets so that the pit has no idea how much you started with or left with.



Well-Known Member
ajays327 said:
Say my bankroll is $2000 and I sit at a 10 minimum table. What should I buy in for?
i typically buy in for 20 units using $100 bills. though if i'm playing at someplace a little more shady i buy in for around 12-15, usually in smaller bills ($20's).

usually 20 units will keep you going for awhile in a playall environment, though i've lost 20 units in 15 minutes before, then as Sonny stated -steaming (as cover) becomes relevant, as you buy in for more.


Well-Known Member
Buy in for increments of a $100

That way you will make sure that the pit keeps track of how many chips you bought. If you buy in for less than that they might think you won more chips than you actually did.


Well-Known Member
You don’t cash them in after every session, do you?

I do. You never know when a casino will change chips, or even close.

My wife was fooling around at a slot machine once and would up with a ticket for $5. The line was long at the cash-out machine so I said we'll do it next time. Next time the Sands AC had closed.

Yes, we could have cashed in somewhere, after the fact, but it wasn't worth the hassle for a few bucks.


Well-Known Member
I've always figured the buy in effects your comps, so usually buy in for more than I need, and will cash out an buy in again between sessions.

Suppose this really matters?


Well-Known Member
GeorgeD said:
I've always figured the buy in effects your comps, so usually buy in for more than I need, and will cash out an buy in again between sessions.

Suppose this really matters?
If you are betting $5/10 and buy-in for much more than $300,all you will accomplish is to piss off the pitboss who may need to refill his chip tray for no good reason.I see people buy-in for 100X your average bet and doubt this helps their comps one bit.
I generally cash out most of my chips between sessions.