What level do you play at?

What color chips do you bet on average?

  • Red chips "$5 chips"

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Green chips "$25 chips"

    Votes: 16 36.4%
  • Black chips "$100 chips"

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • white, purple, or orange chips "$500 chips"

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Chips valued at a $1,000 or higher regardless of color!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering what level of chips are being bet by the people on this sight who are probably more educated on blackjack than other players at the table.
Cardcounter said:
I was just wondering what level of chips are being bet by the people on this sight who are probably more educated on blackjack than other players at the table.
its all about your bankroll, regardless of your skill (well thats not really true), but you could have over a 1% edge on the house on average, but if you only have a few grand, your not going to bet betting greens, even if your spread is only like 1-4
Only time I've touched a purple chip to the felt is when I was 100% sure that the next card out of the shoe was an ace, because I turned it over and looked at it before it was dealt. Pretty scary, huh?

So does that make me a purple chipper? Hurrah, I'm a purple chipper!


Well-Known Member
reminds me of a story

Automatic Monkey said:
Only time I've touched a purple chip to the felt is when I was 100% sure that the next card out of the shoe was an ace, because I turned it over and looked at it before it was dealt. Pretty scary, huh?

So does that make me a purple chipper? Hurrah, I'm a purple chipper!
I am playing at an Indian Casino that uses ASM's that sometimes boxes the cards (turns them upside down). The count is only slightly positive, I am at first base and am playing a low limit table because this dealer is giving excellent pen. Look at the shoe and see a boxed ace and bet the table max of $1,000.
Card comes out and dealer calls the pit who decides the card should be burned. I tell the pit that a boxed card came out last shoe and that he let it play, so why are you not letting this one play? He says because you saw it coming, which of course I lie and deny and obviously he did not believe, but still I think it should not matter. Ask for his boss who lets it play. I get a blackjack and before the shoe ends I leave because (here is where I play by my gut) something is telling me that leaving is a good idea.

Automatic Monkey said:
Only time I've touched a purple chip to the felt is when I was 100% sure that the next card out of the shoe was an ace, because I turned it over and looked at it before it was dealt. Pretty scary, huh?

So does that make me a purple chipper? Hurrah, I'm a purple chipper!
how the hell did you do that??!
if this post were done 10 months ago, i would be saying "why cant you vote for white chips", as the majestic star had $3 tables.. if only knew, i would have been counting the day i turned 21 (i didnt step into a casino until i was 22) and going full speed at the majestic with a $3-$9 spread

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
you bet higher than black? damn your rich as hell

I wouldn't go so far as to call myself rich. It's just that I've built my bankroll up to a level that can comfortably handle large bets when I have an edge. Once your bank gets into 6 figures even small edges can require betting the table max at a lot of casinos.


Well-Known Member
Average bet

I was going for average bet in your case a $3-$9 spread you would average a red chip bet each hand. Another reason is that I did not think to put $1 chips because most places I go require I bet at least $5 however now that I think of it I have seen places that allow you to bet less. As little as $2-$3, two years ago I saw a $1 table I got kicked out for having a 20-1 spread even though I wasn't card counting.


Well-Known Member
suicyco maniac said:
I wouldn't go so far as to call myself rich. It's just that I've built my bankroll up to a level that can comfortably handle large bets when I have an edge. Once your bank gets into 6 figures even small edges can require betting the table max at a lot of casinos.
six figures :eek: ....
i'm curious how many figures was it when you started and how much of it was built from advantage play.

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
six figures :eek: ....
i'm curious how many figures was it when you started and how much of it was built from advantage play.
You most likely won't believe it but I started with $500 and built it all with AP. My first year of full time play (I played 360 out of 365 days) I was a serious coupon abuser. After a few months of strictly coupons I stumbled into a promo where I had a nice mid 5 figure win and another promo a few months later that netted me about 10K and I never looked back. I will admit I was very lucky to have that situation fall into my lap but I think most successful fulltime players have similar good luck stories.


Well-Known Member
what level of loss can you absorb in single session?

I can absorb a $700 loss with relative ease, although I do get frustrated with it. A $1,000 or more loss is where I get emotional.

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
The bad beats seem to effect my emotions. Playing with a significant advantage (3%+) and losing when you've got what should be a winning hand.


Well-Known Member
except it kind of sounds gutless

Mimosine said:
i always suspected that Lucky Ned's system worked!

When you are going with your guts in deciding it is a smart move to leave the casino, is does sound kind of gutless.
So instead of saying I went with my guts, lets say I just went gutless.

Anyway, staying where I had already pissed off a pit by having him call his boss in would be counterproductive and since then I have returned to that casino with no problems. It was worth the $1,500 on the hand.



Well-Known Member
At one point I had 3 bad beats of my max daily BR within 1 month. Thats a good chunk of overall BR. Im leaning toward the couple vegas trips and a couple runs to the indian reservations in a given year kind of play as of the last year or so. Trying to grind it out just makes me more misrable if its week after week after week of good play but poor results. And even if im winning, it seems like a job if im doing it "all the time".....:cool2: