What move is better?

I'm using a spread of 1-8.
I am referring only to the heat aspect.
What move is better to put some more money in game? 1 box with 8 units or 2*4 units.
I open every shoe with 1 hand of 1 unit.
My unit size is $50.



Well-Known Member
2 hands of four each will probably look like less money on the table. But, if the movement to two hands occurs like clockwork in high counts, it may be a tell. I'd say it's kind of a wash. Unless the joint has $400-$500 table limit, in which case maybe two hands would be better.

From a non-heat perspective, 2x4 hands will lower volatility in high counts, and will tend to "eat good cards" if other players are at the table.


Many members here might tell you it doesn't matter, and that's probably true if you're in a large US casino where they don't care too much about winning or losing in the short term, because the house can wear it.

Personally, living outside the US, I find 2 hands at 4 units a better option. It also gives you 2 hands against the dealer, allowing you more flexibility of movement re the cards you hit on etc. Doesn't guarantee a win of course, but I do think that it spreads the risk a little.
I agree but usually it is better to raise big after a win.

I saw very suspicious looks from the pit and the dealers after I won $100 bet and moved to 2*100 as of just raising to 1*200 was no heat move at all.

From my experience after a losing bet to move to 2 hands ( when the count is high) will be less suspicious as of after a win.

Any advise?


Well-Known Member
Mix it up.

If you win a single $100 bet, the payoff will probably be adjacent to your adjacent bet. Just grab that and slide it over to the other spot.


Well-Known Member
Casinos watch DD more than Shoes

So, start off with a little bit larger bet "off the top". I spread 1-12 at DD and I start with a 6 unit bet off the top. Also, if you play two hand only at high counts, you'll be toast pretty quickly. Most casinos have long ago figured out that one. Playing two hands in neg counts eats cards and doesn't cost too much. I play two hands at all times. There are many good posts about playing two hands over at BJ21's greenchip pages and archives. DD', mathprof and Don S. have all posted a lot about this.

The best cover for DD is anonymous short sessions and don't use costly cover plays or cover betting. Many casinos get alerted to you play when you have more than 5x your "off the top" bet. Also, if you have a big bet out just before the shuffle, leave it out for the next one off the top. It looks a lot more natural.

All of my advise comes from books, BJ21.com and blackjackforumonline.com. Remember, read all the information available and get all the money you can.



Well-Known Member
Two hands is much better!

Betting two hands of $200 instead of 1 hand of $400 is much better especially if you are trying to raise your bet right away. Plus playing 2 hands with an advantage is less risky than playing 1 hand! With a $400 big bet you are suppose to have $80,000 to cover your loses can you afford that? Plus if you have to split you could get $1,600 out there in one hand with double after a split I have seen people get as much as 5 times there orginal bet out there! Even though most of the time when you get 5 times your money out there you won't lose all of it does happen. The last time that I saw somebody lose all there money when they got 5 times there orginal bet only happened on a $5 bet! The player was dealt a pair of 7's against a 3 ended up making 4 hands with a double down only to see the dealer pull a 20 or 21 to beat him on all 4 hands! Even though that player, played his hand correctly he still lost all his money wagered on the hand! My response to him was that you played it right and that it is very rare to get 5 times the amount that you bet on the table! Look at the bright side you only bet $5!


Well-Known Member
I too prefer to play two hands at all times in DD; as I understand it the real EV for two hands is only 150% of one single hand. When doing this I tend to have a 2-1-6 spread, two units in the first hand of every deck, and go up or down from there.

Don't worry, betting the way you mentioned will get you tagged quickly so why worry. Just have at it untill you are barred or just keep it short, just don't give up any ev to cover.

Creeping Panther


Well-Known Member
1-8 is a strong spread for DD. Start out with 2 x 1 unit. If the count goes negative and you lose, then it looks natural to drop to one hand. If you are winning and the counts are good, just progress your bets up to the 2 x 4. You will have better longevity too if you pare that down to 2 x 3 units.

What you want to appear to be is someone that prefers to play two hands most of the time, except that you will drop to one hand when things are going poorly to change the "flow".

I should also add that you will reduce your risk by 50% with no loss in EV by playing two hands. It's a must! Make sure you have an adequate bankroll though, because when the dealer goes through an extended period without busting and gets some BJs you can have a lot of short-term volatility with the two hands.
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Well-Known Member
Recently I found myself at a shoe game where I could spread to multiple hands and still only bet one unit. I had bets going all over the place in neutral and negative counts where I hadn't wonged out, 1, 2, 3 spots, and weird variations between them.

It was great fun. The dealer thought I was smoking dope, though.