assume_R said:
I am wondering what others use as an acceptable RoR? Some might consider 20%, others might consider 1%. In the sims I've run, I try to stay under 10%, but then again I don't want to be that 1 in 10 player who happens to lose it all... So I am wondering what others' RoR's are.
Are you sure you're asking this question the right way?
Ror is about degree of certainty that you wont go bust given a certain bankroll and a session of N hands.
On the normal probability distribution chart, you can see that 1 standard dev accounts for 68% of the returns around the mean, 1.96 standard
Deviations account for 95% of returns, and 3 stdev account for 99.7% of the probable outcomes.
I wanted to be 95% sure that i wasn't going to go bust, so my bankroll is 1.96 standard deviations, or ~5000 bucks. Technically this is 97.5% sure of not busting, because the other 2.5% explains out of the ordinary profits, not losses, which I welcome happily.
I'd say a 20% ror is asking for trouble.