What time of day do you usually play?

What time do you play

  • 3am - 6am

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 8am - 10am

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • 10am - noon

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • noon - 2pm

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • 2pm - 4pm

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • 4pm - 6pm

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • 6pm - 8pm

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 8pm - 10pm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10pm - midnight

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • midnight - 3am

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I was curious as to what time most people on this site choose to play blackjack. Myself, I like to go in the early morning. How about you and why do you choose to play at that time?

Hey mods, can you edit my poll so that the first option reads 3am - 7am, and the second 7am - 10am? I can't find a way to do this myself.
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Well-Known Member
I voted for the 10pm-midnight one, however:

I try to keep my sessions shorter, most going about an hour give or take. Since I try to keep them shorter, I like to show up for different shifts at all times. Like my last trip in Vegas I would wake up, play the early morning shift around 10am right before they are getting off. Go eat, find something to do, then I would come back to play again for the middle shift and repeat for the last shift.

Now this is of course just talking about one particular pit at a casino. If you have time to go walk around to find the better games and want to just keep wandering that's fine.

But overall I always like the late night play because you get the most players typically around 10pm and you'll find quite a few drunks that will help take any unwanted attention away from you.


Well-Known Member
actuary said:
I was curious as to what time most people on this site choose to play blackjack ... why do you choose to play at that time?
Usually 9 am to noon. I mostly play when I'm on vacation with my friends; they're lazy and don't get up until 11 am.


Well-Known Member
can't vote, cause i just play when ever.:) at least that's how it is now.
i used to seek out the least crowded tables so in my joints that would be around 3am up till 9am or so.
but now i'm more an opportunist, if a heads up is there i'll go for it but i'll sit at a crowded table as well. my rule is play real short sessions, maybe as little as five hands depending on the count then maybe longer. if i've won anything and the counts not positive i bail. come back a little latter and try again, maybe wong in maybe not.
only exception to that is if i'm playing with friends. then i might sit and play all.
so pretty much with my attitude the time of day makes no differance.


Well-Known Member
have only been in a casino once but i voted 12am to 8am cus im probably more likely to find lower limit tables.

edit: oops LOL looks like i accidently voted for pm. o well
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Well-Known Member
I play all hrs. but I favor mornings as I am mentally sharpest then and I want
a crowd so that I can blend in better and be less likely to be surveilled.

Slick Vic

Active Member
When I go and AP play, I go by myself and usually hit the casino at 9 am on Saturday mornings. This is because the pit bosses and dealers switch shifts at my local casino around 10 am.

When I go with friends, I only play BS at low limit tables for fun, and we usually go on Friday or Saturday nights at around 8-9 pm. We'll stay as long as we like, and enjoy the nightclubs. I don't mind restricting my play, as it mixes up my playing records- "Wait, this guy looked like he was counting last week, but this week all he did was play BS? What the hell?"