What would you expect the pit to do...


New Member
In the following scenario:

Most of the table is dealt 17s and 18s which they stand on.
The dealer has an "8" upcard.
The dealer then flips over their hole card, which is a 10.
The dealer then hits his 18 with a 4.

The pit was then called over to evaluate the situation. The pit person took the 4 and discarded it. Told the dealer to take everybody's chips who had under an 18.

I argued (although breifly) that the dealer busted her hand, and that we should all get paid. Furthermore, I pointed out that if I "accidentally" busted my hand with such a hit, that I would have to give up my chips. The pit decided to ignore my argument.

This was in a Mississippi casino.

I am wondering if there is any kind of rule or regulation dictacting the appropriate action for the casino in this situation.

Also, does anybody have a suggestion for a better argument that I could have used with the pit.

Thanks in advance,

Some Days

New Member
I would have expected the pit to do just what it did.

Some classier Pit Bosses would have ruled a misdeal and paid everybody, or at least pushed the losing hands, but technically, the procedure followed was correct.

If you 'accidentally' hit your hand, and it gave you 21, do you demand that the casino take the card back?

If the dealer hits you when you haven't signalled, or have signalled stand, then you have a case about not taking the card.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member

This pit made the correct and expected (and approprite) decision. They are bound (by law) to play the game a certain way for the house, and it would be very dangerous for them to knowingly violate the rules. It would look like "payola".

On the other hand, there are tricks you can use to make this sort of thing work to your advantage. One I do is to switch back and forth from playing one hand to playing two hands. Then, if (when!) the dealer forgets to deal a card to the second of the "two hands", then I can decide whether I like the one hand I was dealt, or else I can call the pit over and say that they missed my second hand, and I want out of the hand altogether.

This works about one time per session, and you don't want to make it too obvious. But it is a way to get a "free hand" once in a while.
