What's better?


Well-Known Member
To everyone:

Playing a downtown Vegas single-deck game and a bankroll of $500. What count system would you use the Red Seven or Zen?


P.S. What about SF 21
Need more info.

Oherwise, the answer is always "Zen".

I have noticed better DD games than SD in some areas of town.

SF21? Ask the Bear!


Active Member
which are you best at?

Both will get the money...and all things equal Zen will win a little more...but is your Red 7 much better than your Zen...can you repeatedly count down a deck without error for one but not the other? Are you much faster at Red 7 than Zen.

If you are downtown I would suspect you are there to play the single and double deck games...Zen would probably be better as it's play eff. is higher than Red 7. However, I suspect you may not be very experienced at counting yet, and I would say that using Red 7 is a good count anytime with any game, and especially for someone just starting out. Indeed, if this is your first time out, just playing basic strategy is a learning experience.

With a bankroll of $5000 you could go to the strip and play the shoe games, and Red 7 would be better there, its easier to play for long periods of time.

Whichever you game select, I urge you to have a plan for how much would will bet on each count, buy in for only a small portion of your bankroll (say 2 or 3 maximum bets--you can always buy in for more if you need to--casinos like to see you doing that) and limit you play to 1 hour or less in that casino during one 8 hour period.

Good luck and have fun.


What's better?...

... the one that you are best at.

Also, $500 is not really enough, over all.

Additionally, some of the downtown 2D games like LVClub and Plaza are as good as the Cortez and Western 1D games and can be played with a 1-4 spread if you wong out of the neg-counts. If I only had 100u of bank, I would play the 1-2D games similary: spreading from 1u to 2hands of 3u and exiting neg-counts. zg