Which deck size do your practcie with on this web site?


Well-Known Member
Just discovered this message board this week after playing the "Free Blackjack trainer" for a couple years.

I decided that since the program can only be played solo I will use four decks instead of my standard table six deck shoe. That and select "double any two cards, dealer hits soft seventeen, quick play" and shut off the strategy trainer.

With six decks playing solo it is much different that the real table when usually at least three players are in the game. Usually more. It makes the shoe get high or low quicker. So by playing four decks solo it more closely approximates the real thing.

Also: I just tend to be a little luckier at the tables than in practice. Perhaps it's that we aren't dealt any extra cards after splitting aces (in the practice forum).

At any rate it seems a good tester so long as I'm patient I always go up. Sometime slowly, sometimes coming off a long losing streak. Once I went 0 for fifteen with one push! Kept playing and had a 33% loss against win average after fifty hands. Gradually through the afternoon that figure went up to 42%.

With the strategy trainer usually agreeing with me between 88 to 92% of the time (when i leave it on).
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