Which game is better


Well-Known Member
6deck, 85% pen 1-10spread

2deck, 75% pen 1-5, or maximum 1-8 spread, however br is going to be 1/5th of the 6deck game because the unit size is 5 times larger in this game.

other rules are all the same

also what is the diff disreguarding br, unit size, spread?


Well-Known Member
So the 6D game has a $5 minimum, and the 2D game has a $25 min?

If I remember correctly, your bankroll is small. Therefore, the only remotely realistic choice is the 6D game. Plus, you get to wong. Hopefully, it has some decent rules, like S17 or surrender.


Well-Known Member
6d with 85 percent pen. im sure its a h17 table with das and resplit aces. Not a bad game. You may want to use a 1.5% offset.


Well-Known Member
The 2 deck game gives you a significantly better chance of going bust. However, your spread won't be as drastic unit wise, but the variance will be intense.

The only way that the double deck game is conceivably playable would require a ton of index plays and/or wonging out.

It's all up to you. How confident are you in your skills?

Personally, I'd stick with lower stakes.