Who Regulates Offshore??

I play alot offshore. Two boats nearby. One I win consistently, the other I lose consistently. Over a span of nearly 100 trips, the "losing boat" beats me over 78%, the "winning boat" I've won almost 73% of trips. This is bugging me. I'm the same player- play the same game, same bankroll. The only difference in rules, is the losing boat has no surrender. I don't use it anyway so its not a factor.
They don't let the players see the cards "spread" before the 8 deck shoe is filled (No one is allowed in the casino table area before or after the games. I suspect a little monkeying with the decks. Any advice? (Other than don't play there...) One player long ago asked to see the end of the shoe, even after playing time was over. He was asked to never return. If they ARE cheating the players, something must be done.

Any ideas???

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Why don't you use "Surrender"?

Why don't you use "Surrender"? It is the BEST single tool in the player's arsenal after penetration.

As for regulating, I would contact the state gaming board, and file a complaint, if you really suspect there is something fishy on that boats.



Short deck?...

Short deck?... is there a statistical method for quickly detirmining that a given #decks is missing cards? zg

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: Short deck?...

Not an easy way, but one can certainly do exact counts, how many cards played, how many were face cards. The ratio should coverge to 4/13, of course, with a normal distribution on either side. I am sure that one evenings worth of measurements could determine the probability the deck was short.

If it is an 8 deck game, try and get as deep as you can consistently and still keep the counts. If you consistently can get the numbers for 6 out of 8 decks, (312 cards played, expect 96 face cards) then send them to me. I would only need about 10-15 such measurements.

If you want to just count out the first deck of each shoe, I would need about 100 of those. Of the first 52 cards played, how many are face cards?

If you take down this data and send it my way, I will give you my "statistical" opinion.

Re: Why don't you use "Surrender"?

That's the problem. There is no state Gaming commission in federal waters. (There are no casinos in my state. Its a "loophole cruise"

RE: Surrender - I should have said I "seldom" use it. I do on occasion with a very low count, or a high bet.

How much do you want for the bridge? Do you take chips?


Re: Short deck?...

Short deck you say? Not short at all. 52 cards per deck guaranteed, though we may have replaced a couple aces with fives!

Quite scarry to contemplate mucking with the deck, but Im against regulation. Its a false sense of security. It didnt much help enron holders. It destroyed sports action in nevada. Regulation by definition is a conflict of interests.

Being offshore for the past few years there is usually a small casino nearby. Though Im not a big player, I always enjoy the casinos for the decent food, good service, environment, and seeing how the house deals with their players.

On a few occasions, I saw some big players sit down, demand a flip of the entire shoe, riffle through, and even request brand new shrink wrapped decks. Ive never seen the casino personnel have a problem with this. They knew they were unregulated, they knew the player had his doubts, and they certainly had no problem easing his suspicions and getting back to action. It usually caught the attention of everyone in the pit, and Im sure it made everyone feel much better. If a table is not busy, I cannot imagine why a casino would not want to do this for their players. The edge is in their favor if they play fair and they always reserve the right to change their rule-cards.

If I had asked to check the deck, and subsequently been asked to depart, Id make sure I was outside the dock with a picket sign the next day. If anything funny had been going on, it would certainly be stopped, and Id do my best to tell any patrons to ask to see the cards.

Thats a joke. Im surprised to hear that story.

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Re: Short deck?...

Again, statistical sampling would easily spot this using the method above.

I used to do crowd estimation using a similar theme. This is a standard statistical test, and is quite reliable.
