Who'se a Ploppy?


Well-Known Member
Been reading for a while and figure out most termonology, but one has me stumped.

Does ploppy apply to anyone not using AP or just someone who plays stupid (no semblance of BS) and gets ticked off if an AP makes plays they find strange and claim they "ruined" their play. IOW: is even a casual player who uses decent BS a ploppy?
CaseyCat said:
Been reading for a while and figure out most termonology, but one has me stumped.

Does ploppy apply to anyone not using AP or just someone who plays stupid (no semblance of BS) and gets ticked off if an AP makes plays they find strange and claim they "ruined" their play. IOW: is even a casual player who uses decent BS a ploppy?
It usually refers to any unskilled player. A BS player with decent rules is playing at break-even or maybe even a small profit with comps, and that's a skill, so he is not considered a ploppy.


Well-Known Member
I guess different folks define the world differently,but to me a ploppy is someone who either has no clue how to play-ie never heard of bs,or who plays by instinct,or someone who believes they have invented the perfect system,and isn't interested in learning any better.


Well-Known Member
The term "ploppy" was coined by author Frank Scoblete. This is his what he says:

"To set the record straight, a ploppy is a moron with an attitude. A ploppy is a fool. A ploppy usually looks like what he or she usually is -- something even a cat would think twice about dragging in. Ploppys come in all shapes and sizes (often quite strange actually) and, while most of them have low IQ's, some could be bright in a technical way. I have met ploppy doctors, ploppy lawyers, ploppy teachers, ploppy politicians, ploppy book reviewers. But generally speaking, the ploppy population is at the lower end of the bell curve of intelligence, often at the lower end of this same curve in manners, comportment, fashion, and hygiene. Ploppys usually travel alone but when they travel in mated pairs they are a sight to behold and a scent to smell. No one reading this book is a ploppy because by definition, ploppys don't read books about blackjack. They have their own strategies."


Well-Known Member
Thanks, guys. Glad to hear you aren't thinking of me that way if we happen to cross paths. :)

I NEVER question strange plays because i figure maybe they're counting. Wish I could tell for sure ... maybe follopwing their lead would improve my play!

I hardly have time to use BS and total my and the dealer's hand, much less be concerned with other players much less keep a count and . Maybe someday, but great advice here anyway.

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Definition: Ploppy

Although the term "ploppy" may have many variant definitions. I beleive that most will agree on the following characteristics they exibit:
1) They have little or no knowledge of Basic Strategy.
2) They make their playing decisions on "hunches"
3) They all entertain their their own superstitions. e.g. Dealer always has TEN under, no two face cards will appear back to back, always insure TWENTY, third base must always pass the dealer her "bust" card, and anyone entering a table in mid-deck / shoe will disrupt the "flow" of the cards.
4)The most obvious mark of a ploppy is their random betting patterns, depending on how "hot" the deck is, and conversely, some have figured out the "Golden" betting sequence that never fails.
Hmmm...Good question.

I think that the term came from the french slang:"Plopp" Which means: Bad School. They are called ploppies. This is the only use of the word that I am aware of outside of BJ terminology.

And according to some, I am a BJ "Ploppy".

I think though...within the forum, the term is used rather loosely. I have seen people refered to as ploppy, because their view is not the same as the poster being replied to.

I have been in many casinos, and have quite a few friends who are also regulars....yet this is the first time I ran into this particular term. If, in-fact it does have a legitimate place within the BJ community, then I would assume that it is meant for those who either have no knowledge of BS, or refuse to use it.

Personally, I don't like the term, as it seems more derogatory than anything else, and in my opinion, has no place in an enviroment where you are doing one of two things: 1) Vacationing/out to have a good time,IE:winning doesn't matter; or 2) Your sole purpose is to win money.


Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks ago, I was playing. A woman sitting next to me had 2 fives. The dealer had a 7 showing. She SPLIT the fives. The dealer confirmed that she wanted to split and not double (and someone got up and left the table after that one.)

THAT's a ploppy.
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Well-Known Member
21forme said:
A couple of weeks ago, I was playing. A woman sitting next to me had 2 fives. The dealer had a 7 showing. She SPLIT the fives. The confirmed that she wanted to split and not double (and someone got up and left the table after that one.)

THAT's a ploppy.
And the person who got up and left was most likely a ploppy him/herself.


Well-Known Member
CaseyCat said:
I NEVER question strange plays because i figure maybe they're counting. Wish I could tell for sure ... maybe follopwing their lead would improve my play!
this brings up an interesting point. i used to think that anoyne in the casino might be counting too, and that i shld never think to my self "that guys a moron for not splitting those 99's" he might know BS deviations or something.

now i have realized that you can judge peoples play in the casino. a true AP would never make complete bonehead moves like the lady who split those 5's. on the other hand, don't immediately think "dumbass" when someone hits a 12 vs a 4 or something, moves like this are so break even, that it either way doesn't make a whole lot of difference.

Not to mention, chances are a good AP, who knows deviations, probably isn't playing the 5 dollar tables :)

so now as i walk around, i'm constantly thinking... geez, why don't these ppl just give ME their money.


Well-Known Member
Ploppy or no ploppy?

Ploppies: - always take "even money"
- never hit A7
- never hit hard 16
- never hit 12 vs. 2
- never split 9's vs 9
- afraid to double down on 11 vs. 10 value cards


Well-Known Member
captheathmalc said:
I think that the term came from the french slang:"Plopp" Which means: Bad School.
I always wondered where that came from. This sounds like as good an explanation as any.

captheathmalc said:
And according to some, I am a BJ "Ploppy".
I don't think so, but I really hope you rethink the business of dealer tells when they use any kind of device to check for BJ. :)

captheathmalc said:
I think though...within the forum, the term is used rather loosely.
True. I tend to reserve it for players who are clueless, but nevertheless feel qualified to tell others how to play. But that's just me.

captheathmalc said:
I have been in many casinos, and have quite a few friends who are also regulars....yet this is the first time I ran into this particular term.
I would never use it at the casino. 99% of the people wouldn't know what it meant. As for casino personnel who might know what it means, I'd rather they didn't know that I know.

captheathmalc said:
Personally, I don't like the term, as it seems more derogatory than anything else,
Generally, I agree. But sometimes I do feel like being derogatory, even if it's only in my own mind!


Well-Known Member
The proper time to split your fives

I am playing at a place that uses automatic shufflers, not CSM's. Sometimes somehow a card gets turned around in the machine and you can see it in the shoe when it is the next card to be dealt. I have a pair of 5's, dealer is showing a 5 and I see the next card to be dealt is a fourth 5!. Not wanting to double or even hit for a sure 15, I split, get that upside down 5 and then double for a 20, make an 18 on the other hand and watch the dealer bust.

So the proper time, in my opinion to split your 5's is sometimes when you know the next card out of the shoe.

A once or a twice in a lifetime type situation, just be prepared to be flexible.



Active Member
ihate17 said:
I am playing at a place that uses automatic shufflers, not CSM's. Sometimes somehow a card gets turned around in the machine and you can see it in the shoe when it is the next card to be dealt. I have a pair of 5's, dealer is showing a 5 and I see the next card to be dealt is a fourth 5!. Not wanting to double or even hit for a sure 15, I split, get that upside down 5 and then double for a 20, make an 18 on the other hand and watch the dealer bust.

So the proper time, in my opinion to split your 5's is sometimes when you know the next card out of the shoe.

A once or a twice in a lifetime type situation, just be prepared to be flexible.

The dealer allows the play to continue without re-shuffling when he finds a card turned around in the shoe? At the very least you would think the dealer would burn that card, wouldn't you?


Well-Known Member
I have carefully read and re-read the posts in this Thread. Seems to me that every example of Ploppy play given here is also used by most APs at one time or another "to clear the table!" :laugh: or to avoid unwanted attention (ie "cover")

I tend not to use the term unless I'm describing someone at a table at which I've played who was an "idiot with an attitude." Ploppy is just easier to type.

However, I have also seen (and heard) it used to describe anyone who is not a Card Counter. That is the use to which I object. That use brings to mind the opposite descriptive term...."Blackjack Snob."

Advantage Play is not just card counters. ZG and several others have underscored the other types of actions that are Advantage Plays such as match plays and other comps that can tip the scales of a good Basic Strategy over in to the 100%+ category.

Okay, enough hydro for me today!


Well-Known Member
tribute said:
Ploppies: - always take "even money"
- never hit A7
- never hit hard 16
- never hit 12 vs. 2
- never split 9's vs 9
- afraid to double down on 11 vs. 10 value cards
How true! Just thought I'd add two more.
-never double A7 vs. 5,6
-always double A4 vs. 3

These same people who deviate from basic on these ploppy plays get upset when an AP hits his 12 vs. 4 or splits 10's. They look at you like you are some kind of monster.


Well-Known Member
Mikeaber said:
I tend not to use the term unless I'm describing someone at a table at which I've played who was an "idiot with an attitude." Ploppy is just easier to type.

However, I have also seen (and heard) it used to describe anyone who is not a Card Counter. That is the use to which I object. That use brings to mind the opposite descriptive term...."Blackjack Snob."
"Idiot with an attitude" THAT's a definition I can relate to ... they can bother EVERYONE at the table! Those using the term for all non AP'ers are snobs in my book. We all start somewhere.

SystemsTrader said:
These same people who deviate from basic on these ploppy plays get upset when an AP hits his 12 vs. 4 or splits 10's. They look at you like you are some kind of monster.
Got to admit that before coming here, seeing someone split tens would have mortified me, but would have bit my tongue and not said/done anything.

Suprised this thread got such interest. I'll add a "ploppy = idiot" story. Myself and wife were playing in a charity game just for fun. Wife is at 3rd base. Young (~25) drunk guy sits down. Whenever my wife did something he didn't like and the dealer didn't bust/beat the table he'd complain. He wanted to switch places with her because someone who "knew what they were doing" should be there ... why he thinks that matters is beyond me, but I guess true ploppies are like that. IMO her play was better than his. I think it was partly a sexist thing ... doubt he would have criticized me.

So far we ignored the a$$hole. Then he starts telling everyone when they should hit/stay/double/split ... not just once, like a cheerleader "hit it, hit it, hit it" and loudly ....... and wasn't always right. Got so annoying I couldn't play my hands so finally stood up, told him to shut the f up and just worry about his own hand. My wife took me away because she knew he wouldn't quit being an idiot.

Now to me THAT'S a ploppy.


Well-Known Member
CaseyCat said:
So far we ignored the a$$hole. Then he starts telling everyone when they should hit/stay/double/split ... not just once, like a cheerleader "hit it, hit it, hit it" and loudly ....... and wasn't always right. Got so annoying I couldn't play my hands so finally stood up, told him to shut the f up and just worry about his own hand. My wife took me away because she knew he wouldn't quit being an idiot.

Now to me THAT'S a ploppy.
Ploppy? Maybe. Sounds more like you came across a combination of youth and drunkenness.


Well-Known Member
A penalty to the player for a casino mess up?

Claza said:
The dealer allows the play to continue without re-shuffling when he finds a card turned around in the shoe? At the very least you would think the dealer would burn that card, wouldn't you?
I am sure some pits (never the dealer without the pit telling him so) would burn the card, thus hurting the player for a casino error.

With many casinos (those smart enough to know they will make more money being player friendly) you might be given a choice of keeping the card, burning the card, making everyone's hand optional etc. In this case their machines do this quite often and everyone kind of accepts that it is in fact the next card out of the shoe. So if it hurts you, you stay and if it helps you, you hit. Much simplier and fairer than burning.

Had I had a big bet out and the pit chose to burn, I would have asked to speak to his boss and based my arguement simply on it being the next card no matter which side was showing, and that it was not my fault, but theirs that the wrong side showed and if I had a no advantage hand asked for my hand to be nullified.
