Why are casinos dark?


Well-Known Member
We know that they typically have no windows so "time stands still," but why are they dark? They could just as easily be bright inside.

Is there a physiological response that is triggered by low lighting, that is to the casino's advantage? I remember reading somewhere that our pupils dilate when we see something we like. Does it work in reverse; dilated pupils make us more relaxed or something?

Sure low lighting makes the waitresses look better (sometimes), but is there more to it?

Maybe this post belongs in the voodoo section :eek:


Well-Known Member
Do people want to PUBLICLY display their drinking, gambling, whoring, etc. ?

NO, they generally do not.

They prefer the QUASI-PRIVACY afforded them by the semi-darkness of a tavern or a strip club, etc.


Well-Known Member
I was in a newer (or remodeled) casino in Mesquite, NV and commented how much more light there was and how nice it was to actually be able to SEE. A manager in the pit overheard me and told me that underlighting is "old" casino decor - the recent trend is to light better. I noticed on a recent visit to Pala that it was also well lit, as is The Spa, in Palm Springs.


Well-Known Member
I suspect in the past it was largely psychological but is now more about fashionable decor. You'd take your wife and family to a well lit, airy, roomy restaurant (assuming you have pride in them) but your mistress to a small, cosy, low lit one. Low light is something that goes along with hiding one's vices. Similar to scarlet/black underwear representing a vein of deviance. Largely in the mind.

It's no coincidence, I'm sure, that as gambling and visiting a casino has become more socially acceptable that interior design has changed. The only exception I would think are the mega-casino hotels in Sin City where it's always been bright lights, glitz, in-your-face, take-it-or-leave it.


Well-Known Member
There are 3 casinos near me. One is reasonably well lit. The second is like being inside a cave, and the third is somewhere in between. All seem to be equally busy. :)

I suspect there is some (or perhaps multiple) linkages between lighting and social pressures. Perhaps even it costs slightly less to keep the lights down low. However I would think that the incremental lighting cost as a percentage of total electric bill would be a drop in the bucket.

The higher the ambient lighting, the less contrast there is with the highlight lighting from the neon signs slots, etc. Perhaps it's simply an artistic consideration.

Oh well, time to pay more attention to the cards flying by while I let the casino bosses manipulate the environment around me.


Well-Known Member
StandardDeviant said:
I suspect there is some (or perhaps multiple) linkages between lighting and social pressures. Perhaps even it costs slightly less to keep the lights down low. However I would think that the incremental lighting cost as a percentage of total electric bill would be a drop in the bucket.
It won't be after cap-and-trade gets passed!


Well-Known Member
mood lighting

It's mood lighting so you are more relaxed and more open to gaming. Lounges and places of entertainment have gone the full gamut of pyschological enviromental guidelines. They hire consultants to show them how to increase the bottom line. Your bedroom doesn't have fluoresent lighting does it? It's hard on the eyes and does nothing for the mood you may want to invite. Harsh bright lights are not conducesive to gambling this one point of many in the mix.