Why so few takers for these Comps here

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
I know you folks would go Ga-Ga over this.

$210,000 in free prize money from the casino.
A free room on the cruise ship for up to 3 pax for a 3 night cruise.
100% pool money return to the tournament participants.

Yet there were only 55 paticipants last week cruise when the casino planned for 120 and the first 88 get the free room.

$300 registration fee ( pool money) and $1000 buy in for first round. Here they will let you bet Player and Banker simultaneous so with the minimum bet of $50 each you would only lose $2.50 per round in 20 rounds. You only lose $50 if Banker appears in all 20 rounds. That is if you just want the free cruise. Seeing how the participants like to burn themselves out at the start you still get a chance to go into the next round.

With the sort of prize money offered it would be silly for me not to go after the prize money. The next tournament is next month on Nov 8.
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Mr. T

Well-Known Member
Out here in Asia Baccarat is everything.

Fewer players play BJ and tournament play is a novelty and for the advantureous few. But look at what is offered.

I have been trying to copy and paste the image/ brochure material here but this website would only accept text material. Time for Ken/Sonny to upgrade this message board?

Anyway I found the link for a similar tournament from 2 years ago but the prize money has increased. There are 3 such tournaments, give away or Comps as I call it each year.

Here is and old link

Interested visit the link here: (Dead link: http://www.starvip88.com/V2/en/promo...e/fortune.html)
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Mr. T

Well-Known Member
Sorry the link doesn't seem to work here. But if you click on my name and look under the thread I started in 2007 you can access the link there. Maybe Sonny can fix this.
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Well-Known Member
Of course they let you bet player and banker the house can't lose! Only an idiot would bet player and banker they could never win! The best they could do would be to break even.


Well-Known Member
pulleeze do not waste your time - and mine.

100% return of entry fees means that you have NO advantage.

You are just the kind of gullible person that they hope to lure.

Cultivate a healthy sense of skepticism.

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
Of course they let you bet player and banker the house can't lose! Only an idiot would bet player and banker they could never win! The best they could do would be to break even.
Hey we are talking about Tournament and not everyday play. I said bet on Player and Banker simultaneaously if you are not interested in the prize money and just want to get the free cruise.

FLASH1296 said:
100% return of entry fees means that you have NO advantage.

You are just the kind of gullible person that they hope to lure.

Cultivate a healthy sense of skepticism.
100% return of the entry fees mean the casino do not keep 1 cent of your money to defray their cost of holding the Tournament. Then they throw in all the prize money and free cruise for you.

You guys get it now.