will you spilt this hand (2 2 vs 10)


Well-Known Member
dealer up card 10

u got a pair 2 / pair 3/ pair 6/ pair 7

i bet 1us in the front , and 2us at the back

i can spilt only the original bet but not the back bet

its no hole card game , if dealer got blackjack u will lost all bets

are all the above pairs should spilt or some should other shouldnt

and how about the back bet is larger , 3us to 10 us , will it change the consideration??

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
beyondbj said:
dealer up card 10

u got a pair 2 / pair 3/ pair 6/ pair 7

i bet 1us in the front , and 2us at the back

i can spilt only the original bet but not the back bet

its no hole card game , if dealer got blackjack u will lost all bets

are all the above pairs should spilt or some should other shouldnt

and how about the back bet is larger , 3us to 10 us , will it change the consideration??
If I have the back bet, I want you to split all of those. If you are colluding a 1:2 spread likely won't make all or any of those splits valuable. A 1:10 spread probably will, the cheaper you get your defensive split for a big bet, the better. Im not certain on the 6:6 vs 10, if it is no DAS, ENHC maybe it is close to a hit but I still think with a big enough back bet it would split. Just guessing.