win in a row


Well-Known Member
KOLAN said:
How many times in a row do you win .max
Usually its just one or two.

In double deck, that 100 unit win(1:10,play$), w/2plyrs, will come around every 3 to 4 hundred shoes.
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Well-Known Member
if my memory serves me right

Ive won 6-7 and had a 10 loosing streak.

for some strange reason the loosing streak sticks in my mind more than the winning ;)

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
theres no max # of hands you can win or lose in a row. Its possible to lose an entire shoe and win an entire shoe. If you talk to many of the long time players they can most likely recall winning or losing 15-20 hands in a row. Research the gamblers falacy a bit it will probably answer many of your questions.


Well-Known Member
In a row

I would usually have two or three max bets on any random shoe. The freq, of this happeing varies as to the game be it 2-4-6-8d shoes. I believe Qfit has some freg charts in color that show how often it does happen. I'm sorry I don't have a link to give you but I believe it's on this site also maybe someone can recall the link and give it to you. blackchipjim