Won/loss statements and reality


Well-Known Member
I went to check if Harrahs had the 2008 W/L statements up, and discovered that they had finally incorporated the Imperial Palace into its system. Back in 2005/2006 the IP had a fairly good DD game before it got Harrahized.
I keep very good records of my BJ wins and played there on six occasions between Jan and April 2006. My records show five winning sessions for an agragate win of $605. The W/L they posted has me losing $1200. That is what my usual buy-in was( $200 each session).
In 2007, according to my records I played 5 hands at $10, each with a matchplay, and lost 4 out of 5 for a $20 loss. They have me down for a $150 loss.
Strangest thing was Harrahs Marina has me down for a $2500 table loss in 2007 while I haven't set foot there in at least five years.
An unnamed casino had me down for winning $850 in 2007. My records show $840. Somebody, at least, was somewhat on the ball.


Well-Known Member
Go to Harrahs, enter your TR number and pin, then on your page look to the left of the screen. Its one of the menu options. 2009 won't be up til 2-1.