SilentBob420BMFJ said:
i thot about something.. i roughly calculated i have a .3% advantage, and to find my win rate (which i think is money won per hour right?) i used the usual calculation of .003(edge)*75(hph)*10(bet), but i dont think you can do it like that if your not playing all hands.. this is pretty straight forward, but ive been wrong before on simple things.. i have to multiply it by exactly how many hands i play, but more importantly because i didnt get that .3% from the negative hands, thus i cant assume play all for win rate right? since im playing with a .3% advantage only on the hands i play, which is +1 RC or better, i would have to figure out how many hands im playing per hour, which i guess i would do by looking at a frequency chart, which is how i calculated my edge in the first place, but i would think its close to 48%, since i play anything over zero, and clearly the count frequency is balanced on either side of zero.. this is all pretty easy, just wondering if there is anything else anybody wants to add, or worse, correct
All I can add is don't forget that .3% is an average advantage based on a certain game dealt to a certain depth.
It certainly would change with different depths in the same game and in different games with different rules.
So multiplying all hands played by average advantage is fine as long as you realize that includes very high counts that occur infrequently. Just be aware that the majority of hands played are at a very low hoiuse edge, if any, and can definitely effect that number.
And don't forget there's no magic in expressing a win rate per hour. Fine if you want to but don't forget it's ok to figure it out per hand played if you want. Win rates per hour is a useful way of comparing different games, etc, but don't forget it's an outgrowth of win rate per hand.
All the more reason to include in your diary such things as penetration, rules, number of players at the table, etc.
As far as buying a sim, I'm not saying you have to right away. Checking out that free sim certainly can't hurt. But, eventually, it may more than pay for itself. Look at is as $1 a month for the next 12 years lol.
It may even give you different ideas on how to bet the same $2000 bankroll.
Maybe fewer hands per hour played but at a higher advantage with a higher unit with whatever risk of ruin.
BTW, as an aside, and neither here or there, but at what ROR do you think you're currently playing?