Wonging Camouflage


Made my first trip to the Casino since I have embarked on my attempt to be a AP. I back counted most of the day and was successful. My question is to those experience AP, how do you keep from looking like a counter. Hanging around back counting I feel like the whole world knows what I am up to. Any insights that you have gained from your real world experience.


Well-Known Member
There are lots of ways to camouflage your Wonging, although most of the time it isn’t very important. If the casino is fairly crowded then the pit won’t have time to track you from table to table or keep up with how much you’re winning. If you’re playing in a small casino then you might need to take a few precautions. Here are some old threads with techniques that some people use:




Well-Known Member
RedCell said:
Made my first trip to the Casino since I have embarked on my attempt to be a AP. I back counted most of the day and was successful. My question is to those experience AP, how do you keep from looking like a counter. Hanging around back counting I feel like the whole world knows what I am up to. Any insights that you have gained from your real world experience.
Lots of people stand behind blackjack tables and just watch. Ploppies like to look for a table that is HOT and will stand behind a table to try and figure out if the dealer is busting a lot or to make sure everyone at the is playing good so they wont mess up the flow of the cards or what ever else they look for in a table before they sit down. Most people in a casino dont even know what card counting is. I felt the same way when i first started counting. You feel like everyone knows you are counting but in reality they have no idea. If you walked past a table and stay someone start ramping up their bet, you would have no idea whether they are counting or just some crazy gambler. Just keep doing what you are doing, what your doing right now is creating heat that just isnt there. Backcounting works a lot better in large and busy casinos and looks a lot less suspicious


Well-Known Member
Don't make eye contact with the pit or dealers. Smile a lot when people are winning. Mutter to yourself. Talk to someone standing near you. Recount the dealers total while he takes everyone's money, then shake your head in disbelief. Recount the dealers total when he's paying everyone and shake your head in disbelief. If someone win's a big bet, count his chips to see how much he has won. Point whenever someone gets a blackjack and yell "Touchdown!"

The point being, you need to look like you're interested in the game and are thinking about playing, but you're just not ready at the moment. You might be new to the game, or you might just be another wierdo in the casino. Don't stay in one place too long or you will come to be known as "the guy waiting for a hot shoe."


Well-Known Member
Just don't play very long at any one place and you won't get caught. You could wong all day in AC or Vegas for 40 hours a week, and probably never get any heat if you did it right.
moo321 said:
Just don't play very long at any one place and you won't get caught. You could wong all day in AC or Vegas for 40 hours a week, and probably never get any heat if you did it right.
Exactly! Wonging is camouflage. Furthermore if you are backcounting, they won't know if you are Wonging into a positive count or not, because unless they happened to have been monitoring another counter at that table, they wouldn't have been counting the table up in surveillance.


Well-Known Member
My favorite camoflauge is wonging in at a 1% advantage and then losing all my max bets as low cards fall everywhere. I have never been suspected!

The fact that grows on you after you have been counting a while is just how much a gamble it is in the short run. I think betting within your bankroll has got to be one of the top three tips of all time for counters.
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Well-Known Member
Take out your wallet every now and then while you're backcounting-makes it look like you're trying to "work up the courage" to make a bet. Just open the wallet and glance inside like you're thinking about taking out some cash-or just hold cash in your hand with arms folded so the cash is in plain view of the p.c., the eye in the sky, etc.

The Stork

Well-Known Member
Wonging camouflage.

Two nights ago I stood behind a table at the mirage. A 6 deck game. Be adaptive with the table situation, that is my approach! Count the deck when payout is done and/or when dealer take players bust cards. I mostly stand there only for one shoe and than move on having made no bet or just 1 bet. Living in Vegas you have tables enough to choose from. Keep on moving is the best way of not being dect as a counter. In this case it seemed not to work. I placed my bet doubled 25 dollar up versus a 4 won and left. Ah the dealer argued, some people are counting the cards. Jezus Maria..........:whip: