6D, LSA, RSA S17, 80% pen
- little to no heat -
However the casino is so crowded, that at times you might have to wait 45 min just to get an open seat, period.
Pro: Only play good counts
Con: If there is no where to sit, how do I even play? (backline bets are common here, BUT just as common are idiots who do not play BS. Hence, I would not want to play on a guy who plays terrible)
Play All:
Pro: you can actually play, and for this scenario lets assume spread from 1-2 hands
Con: you have neg counts, but you can wong out of the majority of them with various reasons for having to get up.
In an OVERLY crowded casino, where its difficult to even find a seat at times, what do most of you more experienced AP's do? wong or play all w/ heavy spread?
I have been playing all w/ heavy spread, and its working pretty well
But I do not know how much (if any) i am missing out by not just wonging in and hopping around. Again, the issue is no seats!
If anyone is familar w/ this same scenario, id love to hear what knowledge you can share
- little to no heat -
However the casino is so crowded, that at times you might have to wait 45 min just to get an open seat, period.
Pro: Only play good counts
Con: If there is no where to sit, how do I even play? (backline bets are common here, BUT just as common are idiots who do not play BS. Hence, I would not want to play on a guy who plays terrible)
Play All:
Pro: you can actually play, and for this scenario lets assume spread from 1-2 hands
Con: you have neg counts, but you can wong out of the majority of them with various reasons for having to get up.
In an OVERLY crowded casino, where its difficult to even find a seat at times, what do most of you more experienced AP's do? wong or play all w/ heavy spread?
I have been playing all w/ heavy spread, and its working pretty well
But I do not know how much (if any) i am missing out by not just wonging in and hopping around. Again, the issue is no seats!
If anyone is familar w/ this same scenario, id love to hear what knowledge you can share