Wonging vs Play all??????????


Active Member
6D, LSA, RSA S17, 80% pen
- little to no heat -
However the casino is so crowded, that at times you might have to wait 45 min just to get an open seat, period.

Pro: Only play good counts
Con: If there is no where to sit, how do I even play? (backline bets are common here, BUT just as common are idiots who do not play BS. Hence, I would not want to play on a guy who plays terrible)

Play All:
Pro: you can actually play, and for this scenario lets assume spread from 1-2 hands
Con: you have neg counts, but you can wong out of the majority of them with various reasons for having to get up.

In an OVERLY crowded casino, where its difficult to even find a seat at times, what do most of you more experienced AP's do? wong or play all w/ heavy spread?

I have been playing all w/ heavy spread, and its working pretty well
But I do not know how much (if any) i am missing out by not just wonging in and hopping around. Again, the issue is no seats!

If anyone is familar w/ this same scenario, id love to hear what knowledge you can share



Active Member
if you could identify 1 person per table that plays BS, would u wong via backlining of them? (if there was a total of only 2 tables that you can see both at the same time)

would sit and spread heavy still win????

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Do It All

In order or mix it up:
Wong when possible
Play all if forced
Wong out when possible
Backline if nothing else:joker::whip:


Well-Known Member
Skipping hands

Another think you can do if you dont want to loose your seat, want to keep count and just get through a negative section of shoe is to sit out a couple then get in for a couple. Time it so it looks like you are changing the order of the cards. When I wong in on a game a perfect time is after the dealer gets a blackjack. You become the hero by changing the flow.


Well-Known Member
Spread differences between wong and play-all

How different must the spread be between wong and play-all for the play-all EV to be equivalent of wonging? How much higher does one need to spread for play-all?

flyingwind said:
How different must the spread be between wong and play-all for the play-all EV to be equivalent of wonging? How much higher does one need to spread for play-all?
Play all depends on the rules, better to wong out than in, heat.........

If you are only playing in positive counts no need to spread, go in large and stay large till it goes negative.

One thing for sure read Don's book, Black Jack Attack for a detailed answer to your question.

For example,,,, this weekend I will be playing a .31 6d, I will play all with 2 spots, that type of game I will beat no matter what the count, so no wonging for me on that game,,,,but I will take a bathroom break if it begins to really floor, but will not risk heat by doing it to excess,,,just to damn fine of a game.:cool:



Well-Known Member
"6D, LSA, RSA S17, 80% pen
- little to no heat -
However the casino is so crowded, that at times you might have to wait 45 min just to get an open seat, period."

Is this only during the hours you currently play or is it 7/24 all the time?

Is this the only game in town?

If you get banned / burned at this game do you have other options?


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
Play all depends on the rules, better to wong out than in, heat.........

If you are only playing in positive counts no need to spread, go in large and stay large till it goes negative.

One thing for sure read Don's book, Black Jack Attack for a detailed answer to your question.

For example,,,, this weekend I will be playing a .31 6d, I will play all with 2 spots, that type of game I will beat no matter what the count, so no wonging for me on that game,,,,but I will take a bathroom break if it begins to really floor, but will not risk heat by doing it to excess,,,just to damn fine of a game.:cool:


I have a good possibility to wong in i any count I want, if wait, can pick up a table where only 1-2 boxes opend, player plays good BS, would you wong in tc 3 in this situation with relatively high flat bet and would play tilll count drops?

I try to do it, but few times it worked against me,bad variance. My game no surrender, resplit aces, double any 2 cards, insurance, dealer stays soft 17