Working out the true count


New Member
I was wondering what the easiest way is to convert the running count to the true count. In the book I'm reading it says to divide the run count by every quarter deck when there's < 2 decks. Now this is easy enough when there's 2 decks, 1 deck or 0.5 decks, but when there's 0.25 or 0.75 decks I find it impossible. For example I couldn't do 12/1.75 in my head. So do I just need to draw up a huge table of all the possibilities and memorize them or master long division?


Well-Known Member
First, unless you're playing single or double deck you'll likely never go below one deck so you won't have to worry about those conversions. If you do see them deal past the one deck mark then use a multiplication factor. For example, if 0.75 decks remain multiply by 1.3, 0.5 decks multiply by 2, 0.25 decks multiply by 4.

I play a 4 deck game and use a combination of division and multiplication. For example if 3 or 2 decks remain I just divide by 3 or 2. But if 2.5, 1.75, 1.5, or 1.25 decks remain I multiply by .4, .6, .67 (2/3), and 0.8 respectively.