Well-Known Member
So I want a good answer for what your fellow player neighbor should be like. other than really really hot
. I mean there play style.
Ok so this weekend I was at a casino, the place I like best for its extremely high penetration and very nice service and dealers.
Well I get there at like 10pm. Well I sit at 1st because 3rd is taken ( there are 2 other people on the table ) one is some college kid playing. He doesnt say to much just kinda plays, orders beer after beer makes mistakes like not standing on 77 Vs 10 and is making the side bet, and he bets from min-3x min depending on how "lucky he feels" . And the other player is a older lady who keeps talking to the dealer. She is also making the side bet and betting the min to 5x min. Eventually they go bust and its just me and the dealer. Then 2 more guys show up and are just idiotic, they keep asking each other what they should do ( 15 vs a 10 lol ) one guy goes I think I should stand and his friend was like yea thats the right move. I almost started busting up laughing. They are also ordering beer after beer and making the side bets. They dont go broke though. But choose to go and eat after each losing roughly 20$. Well about 3 min later some kid who is bearly 21 walked up and looked at the rules and min bet and so on. He then proceeds to say very loudly he is going to sit at 3rd base because its the best place to sit. He sits and is just staring down at the cards and focusing on them. Im like o' brother. I see if he makes any BS mistakes and he did ( 12 vs 2 ) . But he flat bets and keeps doing so. He still cant stop staring at the cards. At this point I am turning my cards over last second and if I bust I would make it so the last card was not exposed for more than a split second. I see him struggling to think of proper plays. Ok so 4 shuffles later and the count comes to be +3 and he bets a 4xmin bet. I realize for sure now he is counting or at least trying * as he was way more than obvious * He gets a 15 and the dealer a 10 and gets mad. I just smile cuz im looking at pocket kings lol and I also bet a 4xmin. Well he loses and at this point I decided to walk away and go to the poker table, because I know he going to throw up major red flags.
Well I get done play poker after 2 hrs and decided to go play more blackjack because my favorite dealer was just waiting and I sat and about 4 min in 2 people sit down and are betting just high high on side bets and regular bets. They go broke in about 10 min or less.
Ok so now after a pointless story to the point. What is the perfect person to sit down at a table at ?? The best type of player that helps to disguise you. Assuming of course you cant just sit you and the dealer forever..
I found that just like in poker most people tend to be in one of five groups. And will label them as such.
The Rock - This guys only min bets till he goes bust. he is just there to have fun usually and wants to get the most for his money.
The Maniac - They bet big and always bet big on side bets as well. They will sometimes get lucky and then its runs out and they just gamble all the money they win away. And are usually broke within 10 min.
The Loose Player - This guy is border line maniac but less abusive. They only bet 1$ on side bet and bet 2xmin every hand. And they tend to bet big when they are far behind. They go broke in usually about 30 min.
The Selective Aggresser - This player has general knowledge of the game maybe 80% BS. he bests min to 2x min . Never makes the side bet. This persons downfall is the fact they dont take 3 days to master BS. They may know how to bearly count and try to use this but fail because they dont even know BS.
The Eagle/ The counter - Well in this game thats everything from a AP to a weekend warrior. He knows perfect BS and doesnt draw attention to themselves. This is what some of us are and some wish they can be.
All in all I find I get my best pen when Loose player sits down. He is there long enough to get the dealer to deal as much as possible to extract his cash. I usually get 1 more deal from a deck when I sit with one of the Loose Players than any other.
What would you consider your perfect fellow player ??
Ok so this weekend I was at a casino, the place I like best for its extremely high penetration and very nice service and dealers.
Well I get there at like 10pm. Well I sit at 1st because 3rd is taken ( there are 2 other people on the table ) one is some college kid playing. He doesnt say to much just kinda plays, orders beer after beer makes mistakes like not standing on 77 Vs 10 and is making the side bet, and he bets from min-3x min depending on how "lucky he feels" . And the other player is a older lady who keeps talking to the dealer. She is also making the side bet and betting the min to 5x min. Eventually they go bust and its just me and the dealer. Then 2 more guys show up and are just idiotic, they keep asking each other what they should do ( 15 vs a 10 lol ) one guy goes I think I should stand and his friend was like yea thats the right move. I almost started busting up laughing. They are also ordering beer after beer and making the side bets. They dont go broke though. But choose to go and eat after each losing roughly 20$. Well about 3 min later some kid who is bearly 21 walked up and looked at the rules and min bet and so on. He then proceeds to say very loudly he is going to sit at 3rd base because its the best place to sit. He sits and is just staring down at the cards and focusing on them. Im like o' brother. I see if he makes any BS mistakes and he did ( 12 vs 2 ) . But he flat bets and keeps doing so. He still cant stop staring at the cards. At this point I am turning my cards over last second and if I bust I would make it so the last card was not exposed for more than a split second. I see him struggling to think of proper plays. Ok so 4 shuffles later and the count comes to be +3 and he bets a 4xmin bet. I realize for sure now he is counting or at least trying * as he was way more than obvious * He gets a 15 and the dealer a 10 and gets mad. I just smile cuz im looking at pocket kings lol and I also bet a 4xmin. Well he loses and at this point I decided to walk away and go to the poker table, because I know he going to throw up major red flags.
Well I get done play poker after 2 hrs and decided to go play more blackjack because my favorite dealer was just waiting and I sat and about 4 min in 2 people sit down and are betting just high high on side bets and regular bets. They go broke in about 10 min or less.
Ok so now after a pointless story to the point. What is the perfect person to sit down at a table at ?? The best type of player that helps to disguise you. Assuming of course you cant just sit you and the dealer forever..
I found that just like in poker most people tend to be in one of five groups. And will label them as such.
The Rock - This guys only min bets till he goes bust. he is just there to have fun usually and wants to get the most for his money.
The Maniac - They bet big and always bet big on side bets as well. They will sometimes get lucky and then its runs out and they just gamble all the money they win away. And are usually broke within 10 min.
The Loose Player - This guy is border line maniac but less abusive. They only bet 1$ on side bet and bet 2xmin every hand. And they tend to bet big when they are far behind. They go broke in usually about 30 min.
The Selective Aggresser - This player has general knowledge of the game maybe 80% BS. he bests min to 2x min . Never makes the side bet. This persons downfall is the fact they dont take 3 days to master BS. They may know how to bearly count and try to use this but fail because they dont even know BS.
The Eagle/ The counter - Well in this game thats everything from a AP to a weekend warrior. He knows perfect BS and doesnt draw attention to themselves. This is what some of us are and some wish they can be.
All in all I find I get my best pen when Loose player sits down. He is there long enough to get the dealer to deal as much as possible to extract his cash. I usually get 1 more deal from a deck when I sit with one of the Loose Players than any other.
What would you consider your perfect fellow player ??