You've Got Heat Vol. 2 - Turning Up the Heat
The Continuing Vegas Card Counting Adventures of Barfarkel
This e-book covers more of Barfarkel's card counting trips to Las Vegas and Reno over the period 2003 through 2007. You will experience what it's like to be in the trenches trying to beat the casinos at their own game. Plus the book contains two new articles by Bafarkel, one of which contains information that you won't find anywhere else in print:
Vegas and the World's Oldest Profession- Practical Tips For Men Only:
"As a single man who enjoys a good time, I've availed myself to the occasional pleasures of Women of the Night in Las Vegas. (Vegas hookers, in less subtle vernacular.) There are a lot of people out there who have no idea how one goes about buying the services of a prostitute. Whether they ever want to try it or not, inquiring minds want to know! So here it is... the ins and outs of prostitution in Las Vegas. Pun intended."
Top 10 Tips for Beginning Card Counters:
"Here are ten tips that I can offer fledgling card counters based on my experiences. If you follow my advice, your journey to become a winning player will be a lot easier." 243 pages. Only $15.00.
The Continuing Vegas Card Counting Adventures of Barfarkel

This e-book covers more of Barfarkel's card counting trips to Las Vegas and Reno over the period 2003 through 2007. You will experience what it's like to be in the trenches trying to beat the casinos at their own game. Plus the book contains two new articles by Bafarkel, one of which contains information that you won't find anywhere else in print:
Vegas and the World's Oldest Profession- Practical Tips For Men Only:
"As a single man who enjoys a good time, I've availed myself to the occasional pleasures of Women of the Night in Las Vegas. (Vegas hookers, in less subtle vernacular.) There are a lot of people out there who have no idea how one goes about buying the services of a prostitute. Whether they ever want to try it or not, inquiring minds want to know! So here it is... the ins and outs of prostitution in Las Vegas. Pun intended."
Top 10 Tips for Beginning Card Counters:
"Here are ten tips that I can offer fledgling card counters based on my experiences. If you follow my advice, your journey to become a winning player will be a lot easier." 243 pages. Only $15.00.