Well-Known Member
I'm thinking ahead when I get to the point of switching to a true count system. so would appreciate any advice. I have been using the ko system which I am very pleased with it. seems a lot of people move from ko to hi/lo, but when you compare the numbers on the qfit site hi/lo has lower numbers. bc/pe/ic. I think I read where it's difficult to compare unbalanced to balanced systems, so maybe that's the reason for the difference? as I don't see much of a problem converting the running count to a true count the biggest obstacle to me would be quickly adding the running count. that would make hi/lo the next step since the card values are practically the same as ko. but is it really that much better and again if so why doesn't it show it from the numbers? then comes the zen count which by doing a comparison seems like the best option for the added gain it seems to offer. but the problem here is getting speedy on the running count. I tried to count down a deck of cards yesterday using it and barely made it inside a min and of course had a few errors. I'm sure I could do it but it would take quite a bit of practicing. again I don't see much of a problem with the conversion to the true count. if I get to where I can count the zen running quickly then I can just make charts to memorize the division possibilites.
so my questions are:
1. do you think hi/lo is that much better than ko?
2. has anyone used the zen count and how long did it take you to become proficient with the running count?
my plan for now is to continue with ko practice sessions and continue to use it in the casinos. at the same time add a little time each night increasing my speed with the zen numbers and hopefully if I can progress well enough I may learn that system.
so my questions are:
1. do you think hi/lo is that much better than ko?
2. has anyone used the zen count and how long did it take you to become proficient with the running count?
my plan for now is to continue with ko practice sessions and continue to use it in the casinos. at the same time add a little time each night increasing my speed with the zen numbers and hopefully if I can progress well enough I may learn that system.