
BlackjackInfo was originally created in 1999 by Ken Smith as a means to provide expert advice on the best way to play blackjack. While there are many sites about blackjack on the internet, Ken created this resource to give credible insight into how to approach winning blackjack and how he managed to turn it into a professional career.

One of the first sites to ever offer blackjack strategy charts and an interactive strategy trainer, BlackjackInfo has always been at the forefront of providing the best blackjack information.

In 2016, Ken sold the site to online gambling affiliate network LCB (Formerly known as Latest Casino Bonuses) and is now maintained by LV Bear, another expert and heavyweight amongst blackjack advantage players.

BlackjackInfo Contributors

Who is Ken Smith?

ken smithHaving started his first blackjack tournament way back in 1990, Ken quickly began to create a household name for himself as his many years of experience and strategic analysis allowed him to win numerous tournaments on a consistent basis. Known for being a leading tournament strategy expert, he was soon featured on several TV shows and wrote columns for numerous magazines and websites.

Even though Ken is no longer an owner of Blackjackinfo.com you will find that he still takes time to respond to comments and contributes to blackjacktournaments.com as well.

Notable achievements include:

Interviews with Ken Smith:

You can read more about Ken hier.

Who is LV Bear

ken smithA prestigous advantage player who started refining his craft in the mid 1990’s, LV bear is now the resident expert of BlackjackInfo and brings an enormous wealth of experience being also a contributor to BJ21.com

Responsible for creating BJ21’s coveted newsletter, which is used by many advantage players, LV Bear is one of the most established advantage players and has contributed to the blackjack community for many years.

He also has a blog which can be found at http://www.thebeargrowls.com/

Interviews with LV Bear:

You can read more about LV Bear hier

Who are LCB?

The LCB Network began in 2006 as a means to provide resources to educate gamblers who wanted to play online. Since then they have established themselves as industry leaders for the past 12 years providing information to users that is rivaled by very few.

Since the acquisition of BlackjackInfo.com, LCB have expanded the site to include resources and guides for playing blackjack online.

Other Contributors

HIREQUARTERS – These guys have helped us expand the content you see on blackjackinfo.com and the LCB Network

BlackjackInfo Timeline

BlackjackInfo is created
Jan, 1999

Ken Smith launches Blackjackinfo.com and is one of the earliest sites to provide strategy charts

Blackjackinfo.com is sold to LCB
Sep, 2016

Ken Smith sells BlackjackInfo.com to LCB network