Blackjack Basic Strategy Quiz

Think you know your basic blackjack strategy like the back of your hand? We’ve created a simple quiz here so you can put your knowledge to the test and determine whether you truly know perfect basic strategy.

For the purpose of this test, we are going to use common rules which are:

  • 6 Decks
  • Dealer stands on soft 17
  • Double allowed on any 2 cards
  • Double allowed after splitting pairs

Good luck and try not to cheat by looking at any strategy chart!

Question 1

Dealer is showing:

hole cardSix of Hearts

Your hand is:

Five of ClubsThree of Hearts


Question 2

Dealer is showing:

hole cardSeven of Clubs

Your hand is:

Ace of DiamondsSixof Hearts


Question 3

Dealer is showing:

hole cardTwo of Clubs

Your hand is:

Five of DiamondsFour of Hearts


Question 4

Dealer is showing:

hole cardThree of Spades

Your hand is:

Ace of SpadesTwo of Diamonds


Question 5

Dealer is showing:

hole cardKing of Spades

Your hand is:

Eight of SpadesThree of Diamonds


Question 6

Dealer is showing:

hole cardAce of Spades

Your hand is:

Ace of SpadesSeven of Diamonds


Question 7

Dealer is showing:

hole cardTwo of Clubs

Your hand is:

Seven of DiamondsFive of Hearts


Question 8

Dealer is showing:

hole cardSeven of Clubs

Your hand is:

Nine of DiamondsSeven of Hearts


Question 9

Dealer is showing:

hole cardQueen of Diamonds

Your hand is:

Eight of HeartsEight of Clubs


Question 10

Dealer is showing:

hole cardTwo of Diamonds

Your hand is:

Nine of HeartsTwo of Clubs


Question 11

Dealer is showing:

hole cardFour of Clubs

Your hand is:

Two of ClubsTwo of Diamonds


Question 12

Dealer is showing:

hole cardFive of Clubs

Your hand is:

Ace of ClubsSeven of Diamonds


Question 13

Dealer is showing:

hole cardThree of Clubs

Your hand is:

Ace of ClubsFour of Diamonds


Question 14

Dealer is showing:

hole cardSix of Spades

Your hand is:

Five of DiamondsFive of Hearts


Question 15

Dealer is showing:

hole cardThree of Spades

Your hand is:

Six of DiamondsSix of Hearts


Question 16

Dealer is showing:

hole cardThree of Spades

Your hand is:

Seven of ClubsFive of Hearts


Question 17

Dealer is showing:

hole cardSeven of Hearts

Your hand is:

Six of HeartsThree of Diamonds


Question 18

Dealer is showing:

hole cardNine of Hearts

Your hand is:

Six of HeartsFour of Diamonds


Question 19

Dealer is showing:

hole cardJack of Spades

Your hand is:

Ace of HeartsSeven of Diamonds


Question 20

Dealer is showing:

hole cardEight of Spades

Your hand is:

Nine of DiamondsNine of Clubs


Question 1 of 20

44 Kommentare
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Question 3 is hit, not double


Great muscle memory tool ! !


Why would you not double a 9 vs a dealer showing 6 that is not basic strategy.

LV Bear

Yes, doubling 9 vs. 6 is correct.

Denisha Simpkins


Rhonda Newman

Thank you for this good information.




correct basic strategy for 15 on 3 would be stand… It’s a basic strategy site that doesn’t play basic strategy. I know I was supposed to get 20/20. I got 13/20.


You are wrong. On soft 15 vs 3 you hit. You are thinking of a hard 15.


I was going off of the basic strategy as well but you’re right, it was a soft 15. Thank you!

Casino Master

What a dumbass LOL


ok mister casino master
rude ass


I would also have chosen the following hands:

4-4 vs 5
A-10 vs A even money or stand?
7-4 vs A
5-4 vs 2
A-7 vs 2
A-7 vs 9
A-5 vs 3
9-9 vs 7
4-4 vs 4


Lol this website is wrong. It doesn’t follow basic strategy


i got 20/20. this website is 100% correct

black jack

dont you Double a 5,5 vs 6?




I thought it was 6 and 4 on the 17 question, so i chose double but it was a hard 9 and the dealer showed 7. So it’s not a double and i know that

george nicholas

got 20 out of 20


20 out of 20, On another practice quiz, I have 100 out of 100. My problem is I have worked at card counting, but I ALWAYS get distracted then lose the count. I am a newbie at this. I need to know when NOT to utilize Basic Strategie and go with the count, That is if I don’t lose my way. Maybe a different method? I am 76 years of age and card counting is difficult for me. I have lost once out of 10 sessions at the casino, I was not card counting at those sessions.






19 out of 20… It was #20 that I missed and I know better!

Colin Buck

The quiz needs to state how the dealer deals the dealer getting with a BJ. The quiz assumes the dealer declares it straight away. Most online BJ games dont, they let player play first then the dealer declares it. So if player doubles or splits, the player loses that extra bet too.


Double 11 against 10 and split 8s against 10, bring your money and come play with me


Oh oops, I got it backwards. The quiz is right, I said it wrong, and I picked the wrong button by accident, derp lol


According to what I’ve learned, my basic strategy chart AND YOUR OWN, you don’t split (9,9) against an 8. Fix your quiz.


Correct BS for 9,9 vs. 8 is to split. Split nines against everything except 7, 10, or A.

george nicholas


george nicholas

your wrong…


Nope. That’s right.

george nicholas

Join the discussion…

george nicholas

Join the discussion…your wrong split


you split 9s against a 2-9 except for 7…..its basic strategy. the quiz is just fine. you just need some work

kevin morrison

yes you do

Joshua Chan

Great quiz, it’s quick but has all of those close decisions that make the difference between almost perfect play and average.


No it doesn’t. It didn’t even have 16 against 10 and that’s the most common close decision you’ll ever see. And most of them weren’t close decisions at all. Like soft 17 against 7? There’s no count high enough or low enough to justify anything other than hitting. I’ll tell you, 16 against 7 is NOT a close decision. 7.68. You stand only if truecount>=7.68. That’s super high. Lots of people just THINK they should stand on 16 against 7 because they’re boneheads, they don’t realize that it’s much worse to stand on 16 against 7 than it is against a 10, and are actually more likely to hit on 16 against 10 than against a 7. The only “close decisions” on the quiz were 9 against 2 and 12 against 3. Each of which has a decision threshold of nearly exactly truecount=0.9.


In most cases, a multiple hand of 16 vs dealer 10 is a stand, but there are exceptions where you would hit, examples: 10-3-3, 10-2-2-2, 6-6-4 all hit.
If your 16 is composed of 5 cards or more, stand. If your 16 contains a 6 it’s usually a hit except 6-5-5. Close call is 10-4-2 (stand in a six-deck shoe but hit in an 8-deck shoe).
Other notable exceptions in a s17 game: A-2-2-3 and A-3-3-A stand against dealer Ace.



doesnt matter how many cards youve drawn lol….this game is a game of math and odds. you always hit a 16 against a 7-A unless youre card counting and thats a different story that i wont get into lol. your logic with the whole “this many cards drawn to 16” thing is hilarious.




No results for me either


Working now thx!

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