Online Blackjack Strategie Trainer

The Blackjack Strategy Trainer is a free blackjack game that teaches basic strategy while you play. You select the exact rules that you want, and the Strategy Coach warns you if you make mistakes.

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Looking for something more powerful?

If you really want to get serious about beating blackjack, you need serious training software. When it comes to card counting practice and training software, choose the software recommended by professionals… Casino Verité is the absolute ultimate in blackjack practice tools. It runs on Microsoft Windows (everything from Windows XP up to the latest version at the time of this writing, Windows 10).

(Click images to see full size.)

Casino Verite Screenshot
Casino Verité Screenshot

The price is $90, but it’s worth every penny. You can set up virtually any card counting system, with your own tags, index numbers, and strategies. You can practice against the specific rules, system, and conditions that you will face in the casino.

This software has evolved over many years incorporating feedback from some of the best players in the world. If you can imagine a useful option or rule variation, it’s probably in there.

Casino Verité includes just about every option and training tool you can imagine. To get an idea of just how thorough and complete the program is, here are the settings option screens from the expert “Maven” level:

Casino Verite Settings1Casino Verite Settings 2Casino Verite Settings3Casino Verite Settings4Casino Verite Settings5Casino Verite Settings6Casino Verite Settings7Casino Verite Settings8Casino Verite Settings9Casino Verite Settings10

Casino Verité also includes an extensive selection of drills and tests:

Casino Verite Drills Menu

It is quite simply the most extensive and complete blackjack training software available anywhere. Casino Verité is professional level training software, for professional level results.

Casino Verite Screenshot 2

Get your copy now: Casino Verité Blackjack Practice Software

294 Kommentare
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Would it be possible to set the trainer so that we can play 2 hands aganst the dealer? I do this at casinos, and it makes it more fun!

Dennis P McManus

why not double down with a hard 8 against a 5 or 6?


Because the expected value of the money you have at the end is higher if you don’t. Now if you were playing competently i.e. counting cards and upgrading “basic strategy” to “advanced strategy”, there are times when you would do this. Namely if the truecount is more than 2, double an 8 against a 6, and if truecount exceeds 4, double an 8 against a 5. And if truecount passes 6 double 8 against a 4. But basic strategy says to do none of these things because basic strategy is the set of decisions you should make when count is 0 which is what it is on average if you are not counting cards.


I have played blackjack for about 50 years, I thought I knew how to play. Problem is , I did not know the rules of play. So more often than not I would lose. I memorized “Basic Strategy” 6 decks, dealer stays on soft 17 DAS allowed. I decided to test my knowledge at a casino. $5.00 table. Two hours later I had won back my $200 start money and a two hundred dollar profit. Next week I took on the $10.00 table, won $300 inside two hours. I did this every week for nine weeks. Then it happened, I lost the entire $300.00 inside three hours. I played PERFECT strategy and still lost. I am going to assume it was due to all the small cards coming out. I changed tables and still was on a losing streak. So I have determined that counting cards would have prevented me from doubling or splitting when I should have hit or stood. I would hit on a 12 and get a ten, I would hit on 16 and get a ten. If I knew the count I would have been able to act accordingly. I am 76 years of age and I have tried on my own to count cards, But eventually, I lose count while trying to determine the true count. I count 2,3,4,5,6 and the 10, J Q, K, A. and determine the number of cards in the discard tray. (decks). Should I forget about counting? and LEARN to walk away after losing xxx hands in a row?


learn a counting system

Michael Johnson

My wife loves “Match the Dealer” side bets. Are there any free web games with that feature? I can’t seem to find any…

Big Bob

Wish you could modify the program to display the true count for several different counting systems, including KO. This would allow us to practice our betting and decision making skills as well as tell us how accurately we are counting. Also if you could allow us to select the penetration we would like to play at and maybe the number of players also.


Will your free program work on an ipad?

LV Bear

Apple products, being non-standard, have glitches when using normal software, so it’s not possible to definitively state that any normal software will work properly on any Apple product. Sorry, I wish there was a better answer.

Michael Johnson

Do any Vegas casinos offer surrender any more?

LV Bear

Yes, there are still quite a few games with late surrender in Las Vegas. See Current Blackjack News for specifics.


It still tells me to split 7s against a dealer’s 8. At least with it set to a 2 deck game. WRONG!


Nope, the engine and the game are exactly correct. In a 2-deck game where you can DAS, you should split 7s against a dealer 8.


Young Earth creationism. That the Earth is flat. That water has a memory and homeopathy is legit. That you should split 7’s against an 8. That half the politicians in Washington are reptile aliens that have assumed human form. It just goes to show, someone out there is self-assured they know some great truth, no matter how ridiculous it is.

But no. There is no count high enough, or low enough, to justify splitting 7’s against an 8. You hit. Or actually stand, if the truecount gets to like 13, I’m sure, but I only figured these things out up to +12. You stand 15 against 8 if truecount>9.30, but with 14, the threshold will be even higher. But other than that remote possibility, there’s no threshold to remember because you should always do the same thing. It is a rule that is cut and dry, unrelenting and absolute. Though interestingly enough, you should split 2’s against an 8, if the truecount>3.48. But never split 7’s against an 8. If you split them, if the count is super high, you’ll likely turn one lousy busting hand into two lousy 17’s against an 18, but if the count is super negative, EVERYTHING is a losing proposition so having fewer hands is better and you should try to minimize the number of hands you play until the end of the shoe, but you’re also much more likely to redeem the one bad situation and not bust by hitting instead of splitting and end up with a single good hand. Also it is better to defer to a smaller standard deviation of outcome if there is a decision whose threshold is incredibly close, because “only if DAS is allowed” means you’d better be prepared to have at least 2 but possibly 3 or 4 side by side DOUBLED hands all losing together rather than one single hand. Even if I was wrong, and I’m not, but even if I was, if you had a bankroll of 1000 dollars, and you bet 10 dollars on a coinflip with a fair coin being heads, would you be willing to raise your bet to 50 for the privilege of using a coin that was heads 50.01% of the time instead? You shouldn’t be.

Consider it a decree from the great grouch, god of blackjack. Thou shalt not split 7’s against an 8.

Kenneth R. Smith

Thanks for your opinionated decree, but I’ll stick with Peter Griffin in the definitive work on blackjack math, The Theory of Blackjack. You can also confirm this with the independently developed CA software available for free here :

All of these sources agree. When DAS is available, in 1 or 2 decks, splitting 7s vs 8 is correct basic strategy.

For the record, the Hi-lo index is -1. Split at -1 or better. I personally verified that index for my Hi-Lo index cards using CVData. Perhaps you’ve never researched DAS games. It makes a huge difference on this particular play. In games where you cannot double after split, you’re right. Never split this hand in those games, regardless of the count. But when DAS is available, it’s an entirely different matter.

Whatever. Believe what you want. I’ll do the same.


I agree DAS is the main reason for splitting 7’s against a dealer 8 and DAS is available at all casinos I’ve played in. So I split 7’s against a dealer 8 even in 6 and 8 deck games. Who thinks I’ right and who thinks I’m wrong?

Kenneth R. Smith

No, you’re better off hitting in those games. For example, in 6D, H17, DAS:
Hitting loses 0.37771 of a bet. Splitting loses 0.39052 of a bet, which is worse.
You can find the other games at
From there, you can see that in 2 decks, splitting is slightly cheaper. In 2D H17 DAS, hitting loses 0.38953, while splitting loses slightly less at 0.38704.


I agree DAS opportunities is the main reason for splitting 7’s against an 8, and all the casinos I have visited allow DAS. So I always split 7’s vs. a dealer 8 even in 6 and 8 deck games, Am I wrong?

rosemarie brown

when do u split 7 s

LV Bear

Please see the comments above.


Hey fellows. Just got into this blackjack interest after reading the blackjack life by N. Tilton. Any good software like CV out there for Mac?

LV Bear

There is no reliable blackjack software made specifically for the Mac or any other Apple product.

Don Petersimes

This isn’t random shuffle. It is designed to teach us hard lessons and allows no room for gambling as you would at the casino. While there are rules that use the odds it allows no room for streaks, and ultimately causes you to lose if you gamble at all. If you use the coach you will ultimately lose in the end if you make a single mistake. Real blackjack isn’t that cut and dry.


Perfect work you have done, this web site is really cool
with superb info.


What type of device are you browsing on? What resolution are you using?


Using a toshiba laptop with 1366×768 resolution. Also have it zoomed to 140% to help me see the action.


I figured it out. These are called floaters and can be removed by adblock plus. Thanks anyway


This blog was… how do you say it? Relevant!! Finally I’ve found something which helped me.
Thanks a lot!

George V. Hillstead

would it have better meaning in the training excising if there were moor then you playing against the dealer


Question about black jack what if the dealer sees the player has over 21 which was the case in my situation and I had 15 and I hit and got an ace and i stayed. Is it the same???

Don Petersimes

It can be adjusted to make the dealer hit on a soft 17 in he options mode.


Do not understand your question. You stated that you had over 21 and then you said “I had 15 and hit and got an ace”. So what is it you had over 21 or 16?


no, if the player has over 21 he/she has busted their hand resulting in a loss. The dealer must pick up ones chip if they bust (making over 21). In your case hitting 15 and catching an ace gives you 16 which is not over 21. The goal playing blackjack is to not bust your hand but to get close to 21 as possible. Your odds on busting 16 is greater as you only have 16% chance of catching your cards. This also depends on how many high cards have been played. The more high cards played makes your odds better of making a better. 16 in blackjack in usually a surrender hand but some casinos don’t allow surrender. In this case your better bet is to stay or hit.


The goal in Blackjack is to beat the Dealer, not to get as close to 21 as you can.

Don Petersimes

It seems like it teaches people to stay home if they want to win.


20,605 hands played +6027. I should be up more but I lost some EV due to not having enough chips to double and take insurance when I was playing a 25 dollar min 1-12 spread(high for DD) since my max is $300 with that max it’s easy to bust a 1k starting bank roll that the trainer only allows.


This software seems really biased. 9 out 10 of the games the TC are really low. Did anyone have the same issue? Or the software is rigged?


I am surprised at so many comments that sound so professional, but how naive so many players are. When your gambling no matter if you count cards or use whatever strategy makes you comfortable IT’S GAMBLING! The odds are against you from the start and yes you can practice and count cards all you like, but lady luck always, always wins. Very few are able to make a living gambling it’s just for fun don’t take the game or yourself so serious it’s a waste of time.

As good as you think this trainer game is and it is a good one there are still many flaws in it. I have lost more on this trainer than in real life. So take and use it for what it is worth, fun.

My best advice to those who are new to all this is to know when to walk away no matter if your winning and especially when your losing. The next time you venture to your local casino watch the people when playing you will be amazed at what you see. I see so many people sit down to play out of desperation and within minutes lose everything. If you feel desperate don’t play, you will lose and don’t take it out on the dealer it’s not their fault. The house has every right to win just like you do.


If you play long enough the chance of you losing actually becomes less likely than you getting hit by a car or dying on your way to the casino. If you have an advantage, lets say 1% and you were to play 100 thousand hands the probability of you ending up behind is probably less than 1/100,000. That’s a conservative number as well, very conservative. Doesn’t sound like gambling to me.


Is one thousand hands long enough?

LV Bear



Totally wrong. You would have to play a lot more than 100 thousand hands to have less than a 1/100000 probability of being behind while playing blackjack correctly and counting cards. I calculated the statistical advantage of a 2 deck game where you bet the minimum bet plus 3*the minimum bet for each 1 the truecount is past 2, if it is past 2, and the minimum bet if the truecount is 2 or less, which is the best way of doing it btw, is 1.94% of the minimum bet per hand. But with a standard deviation of 3 times the minimum bet. Meaning 1 hand, with a 15 dollar min bet, has a mean of +29 cents and a standard deviation of 45 dollars. The standard deviation scales in proportion to the square root of the number of hands while the mean scales in proportion to it. So after 100 hands, the mean is +29 dollars and the standard deviation is 450 dollars. After 10 thousand hands, the mean is +2900 and the standard deviation is 4500 dollars. And after 100 thousand hands, the mean is now +29 thousand and the standard deviation is 14230. So it’s getting close. A million hands will do it. But at only 100 thousand, breakeven is only 2 standard deviations down, meaning about 4% of the time you will be behind. That’s hardly less than the probability of being hit by a car. That’s also if you do it perfectly, and of course note that 100 thousand hands will take you 1000 hours or 6 weeks straight. Realistically that’s a year of dedicated blackjacking. You will be banned from the casino long before that. And yes it’s still gambling. Just like buying stocks is gambling. I don’t care if the odds are theoretically slanted in your favor, you can lose, and if you can lose, you will lose, because murphy’s law.

denise franklin

Well said.


It’s not how much you win……It’s how much you don’t lose……You can’t beat em…simple as that

LV Bear

“Can’t beat ’em”? Then why do casinos keep kicking people out and otherwise abusing them?


Because like most involved in greed and deception, they are loath to lose a solitary dollar. Look where casinos came from. They weren’t set up by parish priests!


Am I ready to take on the casino? The casino i’m going to be targeting cuts of 2 decks out of their 6 deck shoe instead of just 1.


Good question. The casino I frequent does the same.

LV Bear

In the absence of mitigating factors, two decks cut off of six is a lousy game.


I won 56% of my hands 27 won and 18 lost. profit was +$1237.5. only won 1 double down out of 4. pushed on 1

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