Online Blackjack Software

The iGaming industry has achieved massive progress in the past couple of decades of its existence, mainly as a result of the technological breakthroughs that have accompanied it. What started off as a few single software platform online casino ventures have now turned into thousands of online casino sites featuring game title libraries that fit various casino player tastes and preferences.

How Is It Structured?

Despite the many changes that it has undergone, this industry has still essentially retained its pyramidal structure. It is a kind of hierarchy between the constituent companies that all come together to create the final product at the bottom of the pyramid – the online casino.


… it is the individual software companies which are placed on the top tier of the pyramid. These are essential to the existence of not only blackjack software, but all kinds of online gaming content in general. Such software companies design, develop and ultimately create their game offering.

In the Past

Companies would aim to cover all standard casino game types:

Instant-win Titles

Nowadays, there are numerous specialized boutique developers focusing on a single game type. For example, with the introduction of live dealer technology, there are many vendors who specialize in providing this in studio experiences such as Visionary iGaming und Evolution Gaming. Notable live blackjack software providers include:

Following investors and business groups occupy the middle tier of the pyramid. These are the ones who purchase the gaming software licenses from such providers in order to include them in their online casino game selection. A single gambling company can own numerous online casino brands, which is why the separate sites are placed at the bottom of the pyramid.

For greater diversity…

… of their game selection, these companies abandoned their previous way of work – purchasing a software license from a single provider and equipping their entire website with its contents. Contrary to this, casino sites nowadays tend to ‘hand-pick’ their game offering and combining slots from one provider with table games from another one, per say.


… the casino sites which featured the software products across its webpages have improved as a consequence of the need greater functionality. While players would normally prefer ten different blackjack gameplay options instead of two, this diversity was only possible once HTML5 website formats were implemented. Allowing direct browser access from all major operative systems, it was able to provide smooth gameplay for all blackjack titles, and other game variants from multiple providers.

The software that powers online casino operators is a huge contributing factor towards what blackjack variations are available to play, customization options, house edge and overall experience.  In some cases, an online casino may use a combination of software vendors for the purposes of providing more variety for players.

We have created a table below to surmise the main differences in online blackjack variations for each software provider.

SoftwareBlackjack-VarianteBJ zahltSoft 17DoppelterRe-Split AsseAufgebenHauskanteDecks insgesamt
Realtime GamingBlackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.54%6
Realtime GamingMatch Play 213:2HitJede 2JaJa0.63%6
Realtime GamingPerfect Pairs Blackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.54%6
Realtime GamingPonton2:1HitJede 2JaJa0.65%2
Realtime GamingSuper 211:1HitJede 2NeinNein1.06%6
Realtime GamingSuit ‘Em Up Blackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein4.65%6
Realtime GamingEuropean Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.75%6
Realtime GamingFace Up 211:1Hit9 bis 11NeinNein0.75%6
BodogBlackjack3:2HitJede 2JaJa0.56%6
BodogSingle Deck Blackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.19%1
BodogEuropean Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.66%6
BodogDouble Deck Blackjack3:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.20%2
BodogPerfect Pairs Blackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.58%6
BodogZappit Blackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein1.15%6
RivalBlackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.66%8
RivalMutli-hand Blackjack3:2Hit9 bis 11NeinNein0.9%8
BetSoft21 Burn1:1HitJede 2NeinNein0.54%6
BetSoftBlackjack3:2Stand10 or 11NeinNein0.65%6
BetSoftEuropean Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.66%6
BetSoftPirate 213:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.76%6
BetSoftPonton2:1HitJede 2NeinNein0.81%8
BetSoftSingle Deck Blackjack3:2Hit10 or 11NeinNein0.38%1
BetSoftSuper 73:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.46%6
iSoftBetBlackjack Multi-Hand VIP3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.47%8
iSoftBetBlackjack Atlantic City3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.39%8
SoftSwissBlackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.56%6
SoftSwissBlackjack Surrender3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.62%8
SoftSwissEuropean Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.67%6
SoftSwissMutli-hand Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.62%4
MicrogamingBlackjack Atlantic City3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.35%8
MicrogamingBlackjack Atlantic City Gold3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.38%8
MicrogamingClassic Blackjack3:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.40%5
MicrogamingEuropean Blackjack Redeal3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.40%2
MicrogamingVegas Downtown Blackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.38%2
MicrogamingDouble Exposure Blackjack1:1Hit9 bis 11NeinNein0.32%8
MicrogamingVegas Strip3:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.35%4
MicrogamingBlackjack Multi-Hand3:2StandJede 2JaJa0.45%6
Net EntertainmentBlackjack3:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.44%4
Net EntertainmentDouble Exposure Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.9%6
Net EntertainmentPonton2:1HitJede 2JaJa0.38%5
PlaytechBlackjack3:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.43%6
PlaytechBlackjack Surrender3:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.35%6
PlaytechBlackjack Schalter1:1Hit9 bis 11NeinNein0.14%6
PlaytechLucky Blackjack3:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.04%1
PlaytechPonton4:2HitJede 2JaJa0.32%8
Random LogicClassic Blackjack3:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.33%4
Random LogicBlackjack Multi-Hand3:2StandJede 2JaJa0.45%6
YggdrasilSonya Blackjack3:2StandJede 2NeinNein0.46%6

In der Zusammenfassung

Blackjack software allows players to enjoy an entertaining gameplay experience, but still gives them the chance to employ their skills. With so many different options – game titles, features, bonuses and payment options – in the increasingly competitive iGaming industry, player satisfaction is practically guaranteed.

Über den Autor


Administrator/Moderator und Reparateur von Dingen, die auf kaputt gehen. Tum hat dazu beigetragen, die LCB Netzwerk und arbeitet seit über 10 Jahren mit zahlreichen Casino-, Poker- und Sport-Affiliate-Websites zusammen.

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