Online Blackjack Tournaments

While our sister site shows where you can play blackjack tournaments at land-based casinos, we will list online tournaments here that you can play at from the comfort of your home.

Unfortunately, there aren’t any live dealer blackjack tournaments as of yet but as soon as they become available we’ll be sure to add them here.

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So how do online blackjack tournaments work?

Unlike regular blackjack, you are competing against other players instead of just the dealer by seeing who can end up with the largest stack over a given period of time.

Players must buy-in (register) to a tournament which grants a starting virtual amount of chips and as rounds proceed, the player with the lowest amount is eliminated.  Most online tournaments also allow you to rebuy for a certain period of time which allows you to reenter the tournament for a fee if you have lost all your chips and been eliminated.

There are also non-elimination style tournaments which is essentially one long round and whoever has the most chips at the end is declared the winner.

Online blackjack tournament strategy

Ken has written some great strategies and easy to follow principles hier which apply to both land-based and online casinos.

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