Realtime Gaming

Established since 1998 Realtime Gaming (RTG) has been a software provider for numerous casinos.  Known for providing quite generous bonuses, RTG casinos tend to also provide a high-end gaming experience.  They offer instant play and download options of which both are quite fast and easy to use.

A unique aspect to most RTG casinos that are not found in others is the ability to customize your gaming experience.  For example, when playing blackjack you can opt to select the number of decks, the surrender feature and more.

Blackjack-VarianteBJ zahltSoft 17DoppelterRe-Split AsseAufgebenHauskanteDecks insgesamt
Blackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.54%6
Match Play 213:2HitJede 2JaJa0.63%6
Perfect Pairs Blackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein0.54%6
Ponton2:1HitJede 2JaJa0.65%2
Super 211:1HitJede 2NeinNein1.06%6
Suit ‘Em Up Blackjack3:2HitJede 2NeinNein4.65%6
European Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.75%6
Face Up 211:1Hit9 bis 11NeinNein0.75%6

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