
Founded in 2008, SoftSwiss is a casino software provider that used to develop platforms for online auctions.  They are based in Curacao and have since grown into a company that provides an online casino platform for various operators with a particular focus on Bitcoin.

For more insight into SoftSwiss, Latest Casino Bonuses has an interview with their CEO hier

Blackjack Variations

Blackjack-VarianteBJ zahltSoft 17DoppelterRe-Split AsseAufgebenHauskanteDecks insgesamt
Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.56%6
Blackjack Surrender3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.62%8
European Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.67%6
Mutli-hand Blackjack3:2Stand9 bis 11NeinNein0.62%4


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