cheap blackjack


Well-Known Member
newbie said:
Who has the cheapest blackjack in town for practice? Lowest I seen was $1.00. Any lower?
Last time I have seen a 1 dollar table in LV was x mas of 05. NYNY had a 1 dollar table single deck. I played at the table due to the amazing group of ladies there that were struggling with their playing decisions.. :devil:


Well-Known Member
Many casino bars have twenty five cent BJ.
Lowest tables I've seen lately were Wild West,Sahara,Slots of Fun and El Cortez. They offer $3 BJ,but not all the time.


Well-Known Member
I think $1 is the best you're going to do in Vegas. It'll be the crappy shoe game at Ellis Island though. The Western used to have a few $1 SD games which were great for red-chippers, but not anymore. They still have a $3 table I think. You can still find some $3 tables scattered around the city.



Well-Known Member
The lowest minimum I've seen is one $2 table at 4-Queens. It's an 8-deck shoe and you'll seldom see that table with an empty spot and usually will see 4 or 5 folks ready to plop down as soon as a spot opens.

Golden Gate has a $3 table open during the day and on weekdays. They usually bump the minimums to $5 in more busy times (weekends).

I saw a $3 6-deck game at Binion's one Sunday night but haven't seen it since then.

Slots O Fun is the only other place I've seen $3 Blackjack. I think they have a couple of tables open most of the time and it didn't seem as though it would be too much trouble to get a spot at one of them. But why do that? They have pretty good $5 double deck tables.


Well-Known Member
newbie said:
Who has the cheapest blackjack in town for practice? Lowest I seen was $1.00. Any lower?
If you can play at a table for a $1 minimum I would do that most places have a $5 minimum. IF you want to practice for free go to hit or stand they have a stragedy game.


Well-Known Member

The Sahara at the North end of the strip used to have $1.00 blackjack but now I believe its' minimum is $3.00 blackjack-but they have it available all the time week-ends or whenever so far as I know.


Well-Known Member
Ellis Island and The Westin across the street from it both have $1 BJ. The hours are limited and its only one table,but they do offer it.Call them or check their website for the hours.


New Member
Nevada Palace, $1 game

There is a consistent $1 game in town. It is at the Nevada Palace on Boulder Highway. It is not the classiest joint, and you may have to adjust to breathing pure smoke when you walk in there. Also, there is a place called the Longhorn across the street that consistently has a $2 game. I find that place tends to have fewer crazy people muttering to themselves at the table. Both of these casinos are just south of Sam's Town on Boulder Hwy.


Well-Known Member
boomer262 said:
Also, there is a place called the Longhorn across the street that consistently has a $2 game.
The Longhorn also features the "double on any four cards" rule instead of the usual "double on any two cards." That alone makes it a fun place to play despite the poor penetration and no surrender. Unfortunately, they usually only have 2 tables open and it can be difficult to get a seat. The main stage is also right next to the pit so you'd better hope they're playing something you like, which they won't. :laugh:
