The cheapest is 0 dollars, right here on this site.newbie said:Who has the cheapest blackjack in town for practice? Lowest I seen was $1.00. Any lower?
Last time I have seen a 1 dollar table in LV was x mas of 05. NYNY had a 1 dollar table single deck. I played at the table due to the amazing group of ladies there that were struggling with their playing decisions.. :devil:newbie said:Who has the cheapest blackjack in town for practice? Lowest I seen was $1.00. Any lower?
If you can play at a table for a $1 minimum I would do that most places have a $5 minimum. IF you want to practice for free go to hit or stand they have a stragedy game.newbie said:Who has the cheapest blackjack in town for practice? Lowest I seen was $1.00. Any lower?
The Longhorn also features the "double on any four cards" rule instead of the usual "double on any two cards." That alone makes it a fun place to play despite the poor penetration and no surrender. Unfortunately, they usually only have 2 tables open and it can be difficult to get a seat. The main stage is also right next to the pit so you'd better hope they're playing something you like, which they won't. :laugh:boomer262 said:Also, there is a place called the Longhorn across the street that consistently has a $2 game.