Anyone have plans for making a BJ table


New Member
I used search and tried google. I would like to make an authentic looking BJ table for my basement. Anyone have plans or can provide a link. Also, even if you don't have plans, please post some pics of what you have. Thanks


Well-Known Member

Not too bad...could use a little tweaking though.

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These guys are pretty entertaining, and did a good job on a craps table although it is a tub-style. I'm building a 12 footer, so I can appreciate the satisfaction of completing something like that!

good luck


Well-Known Member
Not too hard to make

Hi Everyone,

First I just want to say these forums are a great resource. I've been hanging around here for a long time, but with all the experts that post here I've been reluctant to give my 2 cents on anything. Not to mention the past posts can answer about any question.

That said, I think I can help you with your table project. A couple years ago when I decided I really wanted to try and improve my game, I decided I should try to make practice as real as possible. Invite your friends over for a few beers and they make great ploppies to try and distract you.:p

Hopefully these pics attach. If not maybe someone can help me with posting them or I can e-mail them to you.

All the wood used was 1/2 " plywood. Got the felt off ebay, that was how size was determined. Padding under felt was headliner padding (1/4" I think?) and was glued down with spray advesive. Got the padding and vynal at JoAnn Fabrics.

A google search on building poker tables can give you a better explanation and pics than I can on how to make the rails. All in all took only about 4 hours and cost about $150 dollars including all the accessories.

Now if I could only find somewhere to get a card reader.......

Glad to finally be on the boards, and hopefully this helps. Feel free to ask should you have any questions.



Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
I saw a "no peek" card reader on sale on a gambling website. I think it was about $150. It's the one with the red and green lights, triggered by the black marks on the opposite corners of tens and aces. I haven't seen anywhere online where you could obtain the more widely used Tech Art card reader.


Well-Known Member
Homeschool said:
Got the felt off ebay, that was how size was determined.
Freaking sweet Homeschool. By the way, what vendor did you get the layout from? I'm shopping for a craps layout and am looking for quality leads.

thanks and good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliments. The vendors name on ebay is "vegasjackpotauctions". Didn't see any craps table felts in his ebay store right now but I remember seeing some when I bought my blackjack felt. Just can't remember if it was him that had them. I was pleased with my dealings with him though.



Well-Known Member
Homeschool said:
Thanks for the compliments. The vendors name on ebay is "vegasjackpotauctions". Didn't see any craps table felts in his ebay store right now but I remember seeing some when I bought my blackjack felt. Just can't remember if it was him that had them. I was pleased with my dealings with him though.

Great info guy...thanks!


Well-Known Member
Excellent work Homeschool! And a real nice felt layout! :grin:

It's 'only' a table slab, without legs or?

How did you mounted the rail at the table?

Think I will also build my own during the next holidays! :)
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Well-Known Member
I don't really have room in the house right now for another table to set, so I just set it on top of the dining room table for now. Eventually it will probably get a set of legs once the man-cave (basement) gets finished. Adding a set of folding legs would be easy though.

The rail fits down into the space made by the difference between the size of the upper and lower pieces of the tabletop (the different sized semi-circles). I just used short screws and fastened everything from underneath. If I had it to do again I would find something thin to stick between the rail and where it fastens to give a little morespace between edge of the rail and the table. This would allow the drink holders to slip in alot easier. Some advesive backed linoleum pieces would be easy to cut and inexpensive.

If I remember tomorrow I'll try to take some more pics that show the construction a little better.



Well-Known Member
Thanks. I thought about to build a small shelf under the table to store the decks and other stuff.

BTW, there is a site where you can get a card reader, price $550. (I have no idea if they sell it only to casinos.) Don't know if it's worth the investment. lol


Well-Known Member
Wow:eek: . Think I'll have to pass at that price. Would just be nice to have something covering that hole in the felt that doesn't look too cheesy. Anyone have any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Homeschool said:
Wow:eek: . Think I'll have to pass at that price. Would just be nice to have something covering that hole in the felt that doesn't look too cheesy. Anyone have any ideas?

It should be possible to create a fake 'card reader', with a camera like they use it in the poker tv shows. The costs shouldn't exeed $100.
All you need is a small plexiglass screen, something like a webcam, some LED lights, and a small old handheld tv. Just an idea.

here is a start:


Well-Known Member
I actually found a brand new one in great shape at a flea market, it is regualtion size, i also got a texas hold'em table at the same flea market. I paid 100 dollars for both (50$ a piece) and that was some of the best money i have spent ever at a flea mkt, or in general. My game has improved alot since i bought the table. So keep your eyes open at tag sales, and flea mkts.


Well-Known Member
Just Go For It

Plans?! You don't need no stinkin' blueprints! There's only two kinds of people who use blueprints: Idiots...and people who know how to read blueprints. I'm neither, and my BJ table came out just fine. It even doubles as a minibar!




Well-Known Member
Nice tables guys.

So what are the house BJ rules, limits, you "pratice" with on Mon nites with a few friends :grin:

Sonny - that's not a big mirror behind the table is it lol?


Well-Known Member
nightspirit said:
Think I will also build my own during the next holidays! :)
Okay, it took some time but this weekend I finished my table!

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I also built the chip and discard tray by myself. I took a lot of pictures during the building process when someone is interested in more details just let me know.