Not too hard to make
Hi Everyone,
First I just want to say these forums are a great resource. I've been hanging around here for a long time, but with all the experts that post here I've been reluctant to give my 2 cents on anything. Not to mention the past posts can answer about any question.
That said, I think I can help you with your table project. A couple years ago when I decided I really wanted to try and improve my game, I decided I should try to make practice as real as possible. Invite your friends over for a few beers and they make great ploppies to try and distract you.
Hopefully these pics attach. If not maybe someone can help me with posting them or I can e-mail them to you.
All the wood used was 1/2 " plywood. Got the felt off ebay, that was how size was determined. Padding under felt was headliner padding (1/4" I think?) and was glued down with spray advesive. Got the padding and vynal at JoAnn Fabrics.
A google search on building poker tables can give you a better explanation and pics than I can on how to make the rails. All in all took only about 4 hours and cost about $150 dollars including all the accessories.
Now if I could only find somewhere to get a card reader.......
Glad to finally be on the boards, and hopefully this helps. Feel free to ask should you have any questions.