Mike Aponte to Teach Casinos How to Catch Counters

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Staff member

That brochure is from Bill Zender, not Mike Aponte. No mention of Mike in the PDF either.


Well-Known Member
It's a brilliant move. I'm sure he'll leave a backdoor trap that the execs will never even notice. Train the execs to look for X while teaching his players to do Y. God bless America and the capitalist system for which it stands.


Well-Known Member
I won't give him that kind of credit. I doubt he's teaching either group anything folks on this board don't already know. He's just milking what's left of his MIT team association for what it's worth.


johndoe said:
I won't give him that kind of credit. I doubt he's teaching either group anything folks on this board don't already know. He's just milking what's left of his MIT team association for what it's worth.
... By teaching the dark side. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Aponte just deleted the Zengrifter Interview post and link at his BJ Institute, there since 2004. zg
ZG - you can't make an obviously inflamitory and critical posts about someone's buisness and then make out that it's shocking that the buisness no longer supports you. That's an obvious consequence. Oh and Brutus, it's no indication of totalitarian suppression of information, just a reasonable corporate reation.
I'm not saying that i agree with his decision to talk to casino personel about detection - in fact honestly i'm surprised that he's gone down that route - but honestly, Mike Aponte knows more about advantage play than anyone posting here and i have no doubt he's still involved in some forms of AP. He's far from the first player to work both sides.



Well-Known Member
RJT said:
but honestly, Mike Aponte knows more about advantage play than anyone posting here and i have no doubt he's still involved in some forms of AP. He's far from the first player to work both sides.

I am sorry i don't think I agree with you on this one. There is a lot of members who post on these forums who know about blackjack as much as Mike does if not better. Popularity does not necessarily correlate with betterness .

When someone offers card counting courses for 7000 dollars, one should not be surprised if decides to help the casino. All i hope is that he doesnt get the credit for being the first AP to work for both sides (Lawrence Revere did that 35 years ago) :)


Well-Known Member
iCountNTrack said:
I am sorry i don't think I agree with you on this one. There is a lot of members who post on these forums who know about blackjack as much as Mike does if not better. Popularity does not necessarily correlate with betterness .

When someone offers card counting courses for 7000 dollars, one should not be surprised if decides to help the casino. All i hope is that he doesnt get the credit for being the first AP to work for both sides (Lawrence Revere did that 35 years ago) :)

Well we'll have to agree to disagree on this - having spoken on several occasions with the man, there are very few here that i hold in such high regard - it's not his popularity (or more accurately - high profile) that influences my previous statement.



Well-Known Member
RJT said:
Well we'll have to agree to disagree on this - having spoken on several occasions with the man, there are very few here that i hold in such high regard - it's not his popularity (or more accurately - high profile) that influences my previous statement.

Well my point is what you were a little subjective when stating that Mike is knows about the game more than anyone who posts on these forums. It is a rather hasty generalization. Mike is a really good player but i think there are people who have a better deeper understanding of the game. Many of them are members of these forums.


Well-Known Member
iCountNTrack said:
Well my point is what you were a little subjective when stating that Mike is knows about the game more than anyone who posts on these forums. It is a rather hasty generalization. Mike is a really good player but i think there are people who have a better deeper understanding of the game. Many of them are members of these forums.
You know I really didn't want to weigh in on this when I first saw it do to my relationship with Mike. I will also admit it disturbs me that he has chosen no boundaries on who he trains or seems to worry about consequence of it.

That being said he is far from a sad case as some others have suggested. On the contrary he is quite successful as a whole and needs no sympathy or pity thrown his way, he was a very successful BJ player that became a very successful businessman. Its unfortunate that his business success is in direct conflict of the roots in which he started and to those that are still connected with it.

As far as his knowledge and understanding of the game it is equaled only by the very best in the world. And as far as practical application of it there are but a few that can match it. Wong with all his knowledge can't touch Mike as far as actual playing, nor can Schlesinger, nor Blaine, and most big names for that matter. Yes their are a few that can such as Grosjean and Mikes mentor John Chang, but make no mistake he knows all there is to know on how to win at this game as well as being able to pull it off. There in lies the problem, I won't lie, my relationship with Mike has been strained, but that does not make him any less of a player.


RJT said:
ZG - you can't make an obviously inflamitory and critical posts about someone's buisness and then make out that it's shocking that the buisness no longer supports you. That's an obvious consequence. Oh and Brutus, it's no indication of totalitarian suppression of information, just a reasonable corporate reation.
I'm not saying that i agree with his decision to talk to casino personel about detection - in fact honestly i'm surprised that he's gone down that route - but honestly, Mike Aponte knows more about advantage play than anyone posting here and i have no doubt he's still involved in some forms of AP. He's far from the first player to work both sides.

I didn't portend shock or surprise, NOR did I make any posts that are critical of Mike, just a matter-of-fact statements. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
... By teaching the dark side. zg
zengrifter said:
Aponte just deleted the Zengrifter Interview post and link at his BJ Institute, there since 2004. zg
Of course you didn't - the first of the two quotes above certainly doesn't try to paint Mike in a negative light, but i do wonder what relevance the second quote has to this conversation what-so-ever?
If you want to play word games, go play them with someone who has more time and enthusiasm to help you increase your post count. Your intent was fairly obvious and plain for all to see.



Well-Known Member
RJT, that pic was meant only as an exaggeration. besides, if Mike has casino exec prospects looking at his site, they might wonder about articles like that, and why this cat is playing both ends against the middle

...and how much good information is he willing to give up about his former profession, and those who still practice. maybe he was doing Zen a favor by taking down his interview.

only other comment is why do the same guys show up over here in relation to MIT team news to promote or defend the intentions of the others? you guys are welcome anytime!
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