Recent content by ccibball50

  1. C

    Secret strategies

    How in the hell are you getting that many matchplays. Hook me up with some info if you can.
  2. C

    Chat Guest for 5-21

    I don't understand how he can be praised as a legend when he is trying to stop the AP. Isn't that backwards? Kind of like only pleying at Indian casinos because your indian? Doesn't that hurt the indians? I mean you do consider yourself an AP right? and if so you plan on taking money from...
  3. C

    Casino surrender question

    I recently took a trip to Tunica. I had a friend who goes to a coaching convention so I go with him every year. I get a free hotel and travel. Anyways, I saw a bj games that offered a casino surrender. I am sure many of you have heard of this, but I have not. When the dealer has ten and you...
  4. C

    Online Poker

    I agree with the first statement, but if it is late I would probably call because It would be a chance to catch up if I were trying to go for it and win the tournament, however if 3 or 4 people were all in with a chance of putting out 3 players, I might fold to try to place higher in the money...
  5. C

    Online Poker

    He is one of my freinds who has researched online poker gambling. I cannot quote him because he does not want his name on this site, however I will give you anyone elses name you want that I talk about. (he obtained his MBA at Harvard) Anyways I agree with you about the smartest always being...
  6. C

    Online Poker

    Go talke to the CEOs at the banks, all of whom are smater than you, me, or that lawyer. I have give you info from some of the samrtest people in the world, even a president in Africa. 90% of all I have give you info from are much smarter than your renound lawyer you talk about. So I tend to...
  7. C

    What do You Consider a Session?

    The long run is the only reason card counters can win. If the long run is negative, then card counting is pointless.
  8. C

    Online Poker

    Bottom line, your not going to convince educated ordinary people that online poker is legal when CEO's (who are smarter than probably anyone on this site) and poker site CEOs and CFO, and COOs, KNOW it is not. Party poker lost 60% revenue due to the bill. (However according to you it did not...
  9. C

    Online Poker

    I guess i should not listen to a lawyer and listen to you who is not a lawyer and just plays online. That is the dumbest thing you have said yet. I prefer to listen to lawyers who research the law and know how to do so and are reputable and some of the best in the world. I do not choose to...
  10. C

    Online Poker

    I dont care what UIGEA says. there are other laws that have to be abided by as well. I am not here to say hey UIGEA says this or that, I am here to say there are laws that forbid online poker. You need to respond to the laws I gave you, not me respond to yours. Your telling me that there are...
  11. C

    Online Poker

    I will not respond to a "BLOG" Hell I'll put up a blog and call it a source. Here is some law for you. Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 makes it illegal for anyone to gamble in their home if 5 or more people are playing. (thats a part that not that pertinent.) the US government has...
  12. C

    Online Poker

    First off, I was using your logic. Money was frozen for all gambling, even for sites that were sports gambling. It was frozen for poker as well. If the government wanted, they could have just frozen money for sites that offered only what you called illegal gambling. They didn't however...
  13. C

    First time in Live Poker

    normally there are not a lot of comps for playing poker. You can get a free meal, and poker rate rooms, maybe a pack of smokes, but that is about it.
  14. C

    Online Poker

    Ok so basically what you are saying is that banks across America will not allow transfers of money to poker sites (Only poker) because they don't feel like it, or they don't want to, but not because it is illegal?(well at least the 10 I use that eventually denied my card for transfer and I...
  15. C

    Poker Comps - Do they Exist?

    I read the Aladin gave $2.5 per hour. I have never been to Vegas, and I don't think the Aladin exists anymore, so I don't know how true it is.