What do You Consider a Session?


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
That will be "one" of the topics of Round Table Discussion held in the Private and Secure Hospitality Suite at the upcoming "09 BJ BASH"... which shall be attended by a great many of the BJ luminaries of this fine site. Some coming from half way around the world to attend.:):celebrate:toast:

CP you never fail in building up curiousity and anticipation. :cool2:


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
A session begins when you sit at the BJ table, buy in, and go to Battle.:cool:

A session ends when you color up your chips from above, call an end to that Battle, and walk from the table.;)

The "Long Run" is an excuse gamblers use so they can keep feeding their addiction while they are losing their ASS.:yikes:

The long run is the only reason card counters can win. If the long run is negative, then card counting is pointless.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
Several years ago I hit the casino after work on a Friday began playing at about 5pm, 6d. I played non-stop all night till about 7am and as I was ready to leave the casino, managment pulled me off the table took me to a private office. There,,, they asked if I would be willing to play BJ at a private table with a Hollywood celebrity, a female, who wanted to play BJ but not alone and wanted another player who was skilled to help her. She was there as a special guest to a huge Beer Distributors Convention that was being held at the casino that weekend. The celebrity was Peter Fondas daughter, Brigette
Fonda. Being very exhausted I asked for a room to shower and rest for a while as they told me she wanted to begin play at 9.30am. She would be alone with her travelling asistant.

I took a rest, cleaned up, had a bite, and made my apperance at the appointed time. There was a private ropped off table in the high limit area and I requested a rules change after consulting with her and it was granted. She was very nice, very pretty and not made up at all or phony in any way. We had a very good time playing till 12 noon when she had to depart for her 1pm apperance. I was allowed, expected, to coach her in her play as she was not very knowlegable in Basic but really enjoyed the game, even though by the end of play I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open.:sleep::sleep::sleep:

For a moment there, I thought you were going to tell us about an "Indecent Proposal" :laugh:

And I know you had to coach her, but why did she have to sit on your lap? :laugh:

jerseyshop101 said:
For a moment there, I thought you were going to tell us about an "Indecent Proposal" :laugh:

And I know you had to coach her, but why did she have to sit on your lap? :laugh:

Funny, I liked that. :laugh::grin:;) Her assistant also acted as a sort of Chaperone. :rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
InPlay said:
Typical BJ book answer.
No kidding. I love all the internet BJ experts (on all the boards) that parrot theory and say each day, session, etc. is meaningless -- don't let affect you. That's fine if you are (1) betting peanuts or (2) playing 300 days a year. Real people betting real money in real life get upset/happy based on win or loss of an individual session, whether that is one sitting, one day, one casino visit, one trip, etc.

If you don't, then you are either lying, stupid, or need to bet more money. When I lose $50k in a trip, it sucks -- even if I know I am still up for the year/month/etc.


Well-Known Member
Frankie said:
No kidding. I love all the internet BJ experts (on all the boards) that parrot theory and say each day, session, etc. is meaningless -- don't let affect you. That's fine if you are (1) betting peanuts or (2) playing 300 days a year. Real people betting real money in real life get upset/happy based on win or loss of an individual session, whether that is one sitting, one day, one casino visit, one trip, etc.

If you don't, then you are either lying, stupid, or need to bet more money. When I lose $50k in a trip, it sucks -- even if I know I am still up for the year/month/etc.
I am neither a liar, stupid or need to bet more money. Nor do I need to exagerate my losses to try and make some inane point. If you can't handle your losses with the same temperment you handle your winnings, you'll find you end up with more of the former and fewer of the latter. If you can't handle losing $50K in a trip, don't bet it. Same thing for $5K or even $500.


Well-Known Member
Frankie said:
No kidding. I love all the internet BJ experts (on all the boards) that parrot theory and say each day, session, etc. is meaningless -- don't let affect you. That's fine if you are (1) betting peanuts or (2) playing 300 days a year. Real people betting real money in real life get upset/happy based on win or loss of an individual session, whether that is one sitting, one day, one casino visit, one trip, etc.

If you don't, then you are either lying, stupid, or need to bet more money. When I lose $50k in a trip, it sucks -- even if I know I am still up for the year/month/etc.
Shadroch is absolutely correct; your playing career really is one long session, and you need to learn to keep your emotions out of the game.

Of course, losing during a trip does suck, and coming home with less money than you went with can drag you down emotionally. But this is what you have to accept in the game, and getting upset about it isn't going to help anything. Learning to not get emotional about it, and understanding the game properly, should be one of the goals of every player, no matter how often they play.


Well-Known Member
Just because card counting is a marathon doesn't mean there aren't mile markers along the way.

Quit when your Life Expected Value is less than zero, which is often (but not always) correlated with your Monetary Expected Value being less than zero.

- If you're on tilt or tired or bored and can no longer play your A game.
- If the game you're playing changes and your A game can no longer beat it.
- If you've won so much that you'd be kicking yourself for hitting a downswing in the time you have remaining.
- If you've lost so much that you're tempted to take larger risks to win it all back.
- If you've hit your self-set win limit or loss limit.
- If your life partner tells you it's time to go.
- etc.


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
That will be "one" of the topics of Round Table Discussion held in the Private and Secure Hospitality Suite at the upcoming "09 BJ BASH"... which shall be attended by a great many of the BJ luminaries of this fine site. Some coming from half way around the world to attend.:):celebrate:toast:

Man, I wish I was able to make it this year!!


Well-Known Member
jerseyshop101 said:
What do most here consider a "session" when they go to a casino. Is it a certain amount of hours to play? Or do you set a cap on your amount to lose or even win?
I believe a session is a visit to a casino, regardless of its length. There have been times, though few, when I walked around the pits backcounting for an hour and never played a hand -- then left. My journal for that visit would read, "Played 1 hour -- broke even". Time was invested although nothing was produced. It's akin to playing poker and folding bad hand after bad hand, then getting up and going home. You still put in your time, and it should be counted.
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Well-Known Member
Renzey said:
I believe a session is a visit to a casino, regardless of its length. There have been times, though few, when I walked around the pits backcounting for an hour and never played a hand -- then left. My journal for that visit would read, "Played 1 hour -- broke even". Time was invested although nothing was produced. It's akin to playing poker and folding bad hand after bad hand, then getting up and going home. You still put in your time, and it should be counted.
At least there's no ante or blinds:)

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Renzey said:
I believe a session is a visit to a casino, regardless of its length. There have been times, though few, when I walked around the pits backcounting for an hour and never played a hand -- then left. My journal for that visit would read, "Played 1 hour -- broke even". Time was invested although nothing was produced. It's akin to playing poker and folding bad hand after bad hand, then getting up and going home. You still put in your time, and it should be counted.
I quite agree with that point of view, Fred. Likewise there have been those spectacular sessions when you sit down for 20 mins and walk away with a pile of greens/ blacks before the BP even has a chance to evaluate your play. Combine both types of these sessions and they will tend to eventually represent the "norm".


Well-Known Member
Renzey said:
I believe a session is a visit to a casino, regardless of its length. There have been times, though few, when I walked around the pits backcounting for an hour and never played a hand -- then left. My journal for that visit would read, "Played 1 hour -- broke even". Time was invested although nothing was produced. It's akin to playing poker and folding bad hand after bad hand, then getting up and going home. You still put in your time, and it should be counted.
Not to sound like a silly question, but in these few times, did you do this because you couldn't get a seat at the table you wanted to play at? Or was it mainly because you only wanted to enter play when the count was positive?


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
I am neither a liar, stupid or need to bet more money. Nor do I need to exagerate my losses to try and make some inane point. If you can't handle your losses with the same temperment you handle your winnings, you'll find you end up with more of the former and fewer of the latter. If you can't handle losing $50K in a trip, don't bet it. Same thing for $5K or even $500.
I think you miss my point, and I didn't exaggerate. I've had over a dozen trips with losses $50k and above. I'm still (very much) a winning player. But don't tell me those losses didn't hurt, each and every one.

If you nickel and diming red chip games and coupons, and posting every 5 minutes on the internet, it's a very different world. Maybe you need to read some more books.


Well-Known Member
callipygian said:
Just because card counting is a marathon doesn't mean there aren't mile markers along the way.

Quit when your Life Expected Value is less than zero, which is often (but not always) correlated with your Monetary Expected Value being less than zero.

- If you're on tilt or tired or bored and can no longer play your A game.
- If the game you're playing changes and your A game can no longer beat it.
- If you've won so much that you'd be kicking yourself for hitting a downswing in the time you have remaining.
- If you've lost so much that you're tempted to take larger risks to win it all back.
- If you've hit your self-set win limit or loss limit.
- If your life partner tells you it's time to go.
- etc.
Ok, I'll take the heat on this one, but this was before I found this site :), and fortunately only going on casino boats once or twice a year.

-If you're on tilt or tired or bored and can no longer play your A game.
Oh yeah, tilt came into play if I was down and it was about time to leave, especially on those boats in international waters and play stops when its time to come back. Tilt equals lose 90% of the time for me.

- If the game you're playing changes and your A game can no longer beat it.
Didn't have an A, B, or C game, was all Basic Strategy lottery :yikes:

- If you've won so much that you'd be kicking yourself for hitting a downswing in the time you have remaining.
On these boat trips I could be up a large amount, only to lose it back in the last half hour, getting greedy. I'd definitely be kicking myself on that hour and a half ride home!

- If you've lost so much that you're tempted to take larger risks to win it all back.
Again, been there done that in that last half hour.

- If you've hit your self-set win limit or loss limit.
On those boat trips, I sometimes would set a win limit and hit that limit but didn't want to just hang around on the boat waiting to return. And unfortunately sometimes I'd hit my loss limit, and sometimes it would just send me to the ATM machine. :flame:

- If your life partner tells you it's time to go.
She doesn't like to gamble so that could be in the first 5 minutes. :laugh:

So there is the good and the bad with those casino boats going into international waters to play. There is only a 3-4 hour window of game time. Which could be good or bad depending if your up or down when its time to return.

I've been to the casino twice in the last year, but throughout my life it has always been just to have a good time with friends and a chance to win, so was never serious as a full-time money making opportunity. Thats why I really think this site is great, as members can read about other players experiences, strategies and more, and therefore improve their game.



Well-Known Member
Frankie said:
I think you miss my point, and I didn't exaggerate. I've had over a dozen trips with losses $50k and above. I'm still (very much) a winning player. But don't tell me those losses didn't hurt, each and every one.

If you nickel and diming red chip games and coupons, and posting every 5 minutes on the internet, it's a very different world. Maybe you need to read some more books.
I don't know. Perhaps if I had losses exceeding $600,000, perhaps I'd be the one in need of reading a book. Then again, if I dropped $600,000 but was still a very sucessful player, I wouldn't be worried about my losses.
Then yet again, if I had a dozen sessions that totaled $600,000 in losses, I'd both learn to count and not be bragging about turning a $1600 BR into $27,000. I can see how losing $50,000 with a $1600 BR would be pretty upsetting.
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Well-Known Member
jerseyshop101 said:
Not to sound like a silly question, but in these few times, did you do this because you couldn't get a seat at the table you wanted to play at? Or was it mainly because you only wanted to enter play when the count was positive?
It's been "B" more so than "A", but "A" can meke it tougher too.


shadroch said:
I don't know. Perhaps if I had losses exceeding $600,000, perhaps I'd be the one in need of reading a book. Then again, if I dropped $600,000 but was still a very sucessful player, I wouldn't be worried about my losses.
Then yet again, if I had a dozen sessions that totaled $600,000 in losses, I'd both learn to count and not be bragging about turning a $1600 BR into $27,000. I can see how losing $50,000 with a $1600 BR would be pretty upsetting.
The thing we all want to know is the "What If" factor kicks in or the "Should of Could of factor kicks in then what do you do ?


Well-Known Member
Frankie said:
If you nickel and diming red chip games and coupons, and posting every 5 minutes on the internet, it's a very different world...
Probably is a very different world requiring disciplined betting and knowing what to expect.

Or, is it maybe you mean, you apply the same discipline too except with more money? In which case it's not really a very different world, is it?

Glad you're ahead though, as luck would have it.