Recent content by gronbog

  1. gronbog

    Basic strategy vs deviations.

    Just emphasize my point, our book goes well beyond the I18, Fab4 (surrender) and Catch 22 all the way to the Nifty 50 (Play-all) and Sporty 40 (Back-count). We did 6D and double deck games, but no single deck.
  2. gronbog

    Basic strategy vs deviations.

    CVCX is a great tool for answering questions like this, especially since the answer depends on the exact rules and conditions you are interested in. Another good resource for this (if I do say so myself) is "The Hi-Lo Card Counting System: A Complete Guide to Index Play" by Don Schlesinger and...
  3. gronbog

    Bankroll Management: What's Your Strategy for Maximizing Longevity?

    Most serious players use simulation software like CVCX to analyse the game and generate a betting ramp based on the size of their bankroll and their risk tolerance. The resulting ramp is based on betting some fraction of the optimal risk adjusted bets according to the Kelly Criterion. This all...
  4. gronbog

    Spanish 21 rules question

    According to "The Pros Guide to Spanish 21 and Australian Pontoon" by Katarina Walker, page 13, the answer is "yes". The 3 to 1 bonus for spaded 777 should also be paid. However, although the game rules are patented, this may not be honored at every casino. I would ask before the situation arises.
  5. gronbog

    Server Errors

    Thanks for getting it fixed!
  6. gronbog

    Server Errors

    OK, so I do have it set, but am not receiving the emails.
  7. gronbog

    Server Errors

    I can't remember if I ever got email notifications of new messages in conversations, but I'm not getting them now.
  8. gronbog

    Server Errors

    Was still happening to me as of yesterday. Note that it happens only when posting to conversations and not when posting to the forum.
  9. gronbog

    re-double (triplete)

    My latest version of the strategy agrees with Colin. Here is the link:
  10. gronbog

    Double Deck Deviations

    Thanks for buying the book, your kind words and thanks for your question. Just like for most other published indices, the precedence for applying indices to a pair is surrender, followed by split, followed by the other actions. In other words, if you can surrender and the count meets the index...
  11. gronbog

    Double Deck Deviations

    Hi CapJack. See this post for more information about the book and an online companion offering:
  12. gronbog

    re-double (triplete)

    Thanks Colin. It's been a while since we were in contact. I hope all is well with you! For those who don't know, the book Colin is referring to is The Hi-Lo Card Counting System: A Complete Guide to Index Play. It goes beyond the I18 and Fab4 for a wide variety of rule sets and bet spreads. See...
  13. gronbog

    Strategy changes when you can double down, with an option to do it again.

    See this thread for information about a redouble game where you can only redouble for the amount of your original bet.
  14. gronbog

    re-double (triplete)

    Hi All. Sorry for the delay in posting but it has been a long time since I've looked at redoubling and I wanted to make sure that no new bugs had been introduced into my software with respect to that feature. I also made some improvements to my chart generator. In any case, I'm happy with my...
  15. gronbog

    re-double (triplete)

    I have experienced the issue of an error message indicating that posts to conversations have failed, even though the message ends up being successfully posted. I know I promised to post the strategy for this game. I have it but am just checking on a few things before I post.