Recent content by Langstroth21

  1. Langstroth21

    Basic Strategy trainer wrong

    Oh wow, my mistake, the engine does say to double on that when the dealer hits soft 17. I didn't catch that.
  2. Langstroth21

    Basic Strategy trainer wrong

    I was using the free basic strategy trainer on this site. The dealer had an A showing and I had an 11. Shouldn't the correct BS for this be to hit and not double? When I tried to hit, it said that correct BS is to double. I checked on the basic strategy engine and for the same rules it says the...
  3. Langstroth21

    Ratings for different counting systems

    I think I will go with either KISS or Hi/lo can anyone give me any advice or a good reason to choose one over the other. thanks for that site as well, it is very helpful.
  4. Langstroth21

    Ratings for different counting systems

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get some sort of ratings for counting systems. It would be nice if it included the exact player advantage and some sort of difficulty rating (both difficulty in learning and implementing during play). Also, if anyone who knows something about a...
  5. Langstroth21

    Legal Age?

    Luckily for me the gambling age in Washington is 18. They are trying to change that, but since Im already old enough to gamble I wont be effected. -Langstroth21
  6. Langstroth21

    home vs. casino

    I was just wondering... I have been practicing basic strategy and counting at home for a while now and feel like I have a very good hold on both areas. I am just using a basic HiLo count but will buy KOblackjack soon to learn the KO count. I am nervous to go to the casino and try counting...
  7. Langstroth21


    Sounds like fun.. Just dont ask them for any favors! LOL -Langstroth21
  8. Langstroth21

    The Zengrifter Interview PDF

    So, do I have this straight? Have you won $8 Billion from a lottery, or did I misread that? :eek: -Langstroth21
  9. Langstroth21

    Is Blackjack Bluebook II good enough?

    ok good, easy to understand is what I was hoping for. This being my first BJbook. I plan to buy other books later but I was hoping that this one would be good for starting out.Thanks -Langstroth21
  10. Langstroth21

    Is Blackjack Bluebook II good enough?

    I bought my first BJ book a couple days ago... Blackjack Bluebook II. Some of you think that Knockout BJ and Blackbelt in Blackjack are better to start out with. Do you think I will OK with the one I got? Should I scrap it and start with one of the other ones? Thanks for your replies...
  11. Langstroth21

    Blackjack winning secrets!

    Once you get to the "secret page" it just basically tries to sell the product using information you can get on any blackjack sight for free.. such as basic strategy and other simple facts.
  12. Langstroth21


    If any of you write a book like that would you please tell me so that I dont buy it thinking its a good source of information. LOL -Langstroth
  13. Langstroth21

    2:1 Blackjack Promotion at Chewelah Casino

    are they gonna do this again? Hey, Im pretty new to this site. so i missed this post when it came out. Does anyone know if they plan to do this again this year or how long the promo lasted? -Langstroth21
  14. Langstroth21

    Pitch game?

    thank you... What are "indices"? again, I appreciate your help
  15. Langstroth21

    Pitch game?

    Being new at blackjack I have come across some terms I dont understand, I usually just look stuff up on google or something, but I cant find out what the term Pitch game means. I appreciate any help -Langstroth21