Basic Strategy trainer wrong

I was using the free basic strategy trainer on this site. The dealer had an A showing and I had an 11. Shouldn't the correct BS for this be to hit and not double? When I tried to hit, it said that correct BS is to double. I checked on the basic strategy engine and for the same rules it says the correct move is to hit. What gives?


Well-Known Member
Langstroth21 said:
I was using the free basic strategy trainer on this site. The dealer had an A showing and I had an 11. Shouldn't the correct BS for this be to hit and not double? When I tried to hit, it said that correct BS is to double. I checked on the basic strategy engine and for the same rules it says the correct move is to hit. What gives?
it's a close call. if the dealer hits soft 17, then i think the correct BS is to double down. does that help?


Well-Known Member
Langstroth21 said:
Oh wow, my mistake, the engine does say to double on that when the dealer hits soft 17. I didn't catch that.
it's a subtle detail that different BS charts report differently.

I typically play H17, but don't double on that one particular hand unless the count calls for it.


Well-Known Member
not sure about s17

Unless mistaken s17, has no relevance in this situation only hands of 17vsA 16vsA 15vsA 14vsA 13vsA, S18vsA and 12vs6 are the only hands that should be modified wether or not the dealer hits S17. The reason that some bs charts tell you to double 11vsA is because you should in the 1Dand2D but dont in 4 or more deck games this is because when you go from 1D to 4D your chances of catching a facecard are reduced by 2.91% and therefore should be more conservative when doubling on hard hands. Im knew to this website so please cut me some slack. but i love to talk blackjack.


Well-Known Member
Actually if you play a H17 game you should double on 11vA in a 6 deckgame aswell. I think the reason it matters is becuse the dealer will bust more offen with H17.