Recent content by ScottH

  1. S

    Always assume a 10 in the hole

    I'm old enough to remember that thread!
  2. S

    Always assume a 10 in the hole

    If you assume there is a ten in the hole you will be playing right most of the time. I think it's definitely better than "going with your gut". I think it's the best ploppy strategy.
  3. S

    Don't Tell Me It Doesn't Work or It's Illegal

    What happened to the good old-fashioned way of getting a boost, eating a snack? When I play chess I find that it's best to avoid any and all drugs or stimulants. If I need some more energy during a long tournament, I just eat something.
  4. S

    Don't Tell Me It Doesn't Work or It's Illegal

    Fun or not fun, if I found a slot machine with a +EV I'd sit there all day!
  5. S

    Rationale for 9/9 Split or Stand

    Right. You can try come up with logic to figure out why that's the correct move to help you remember the correct play, but at the end of the day the only reason is because of combinatorial analysis. I do think if you try come up with a rational reason why you do it, it will help you to remember...
  6. S

    $5,000 bucks to become a blackjack pro!

    With the internet you can learn anything you have to teach for much cheaper if not for free!
  7. S

    One of those moments that leaves you wanting to puke

    Maybe they replaced a few tens with fives! Thus making that situation much more likely.
  8. S

    Cipher- The Wizard of BJ

    I know this is an incredibly old thread to dig up, but I'm just bumping it because I am interesting to know if anything happened with this. I'm guessing no, but I hope Cipher had to at least pay a little bit...
  9. S

    Cipher- The Wizard of BJ

    It's down now...
  10. S

    Cipher- The Wizard of BJ

    Comeback supercool! I forgot how you seemed to brighten even the dimmest of all threads...
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    Cipher- The Wizard of BJ

    It's amazing how lucrative scamming people is. In a way it makes me sick to think of how much money trusting people are losing to d-bags like Cipher. I don't mind taking advantage of meaningless cash flows such as casinos, but it really sucks to know that decent people are getting hurt from...
  12. S

    Cipher- The Wizard of BJ

    Are you at liberty to say what your undercover work was now that it's over?
  13. S

    Check this out.

    I've read in the terms and conditions of a few casinos that dont allow US players, and they straight up say that they dont have to pay you if they find out you were using their site while in the US. So, you're right, it is a big problem.
  14. S

    Check this out.

    Yeah, this usually happens when you request your first cashout. It would be a big risk to put money in and not know if they will pay you or not. If they found out your address is a fake, they could easily refuse to pay you. Casinos make it hard enough for you to cashout as it is,
  15. S


    Out of curiosity, whatever happened to Cipher? When I left I know there were certain people going after him, but I had a feeling he'd sneak his way out of trouble. Anyone have any info?