im lost on this subject. i read 1-5 is good for shoe games. then 1-10. then 1-12. could someone clarrify what the best spread is at a 5$ min 100$ max 8 deck table would be? and casinos table max is 100$ btw thanks
"Basic Strategy Variations" arent we told to undertsand basic strategy? let me get this right...if i have a 16 on a dealers 10 card up, im supposed to stand at 0 or anything higher? assuming i have my largest bet spread supposed to stand? thanks
cardcounter...say your there for 9 hours straight. i backcount a few mins, wait for tha tc to get to 3 or so. put in 500$. and win. BOOM! im more succussful than your 9 hour grind session. i dont know where im going with this, just wanted to say sumthen
damn! sounds to me they trying to even tha odds against counters. they throwing your count off by those 10 cards. a tc or 1 or 2 makes tha diff. thats a possible 1 tc with tha 10 "burnt" cards
i played at the brantford casino for hours on end to day, never once did the tc ever go over 2. hit 2 mayby 6 times in that many hours, my queston is, is there a world of diff between 8 and 6 decks? AND in niagara, is there a low roller 6 deck?
if you were to start at a 5$ bet. and lose 5 in a row. you would be wagering 80$ 155$ all together to try to win that original 5$ chip. i personally have used somthing similar to that in baccarat. had 800$. in an hour i won about 9000$.
today i found a new game at a casino "Winners Option Blackjack". you can either bet on tha player to win or tha banker. my theory is............................
-1 10$ FOR...
iv been to crystal palace casino a bit over a year ago. tho i wasnt in to counting then. i remember 1 hand shuffled deck. i was really tha only one playing on that table. i was up about 300$. tha pit critter comes up to me and says "hey, i see you doing pretty good blahblahblah" i now realize...
can any body reccomend a great book to read to becoming a successful blackjack player in every possible aspect? iv read 5 book in as many days, there only really about each auothers aspect to what bs is and they have sum odd number of chapters explaing why each move is tha best to male. yet...
i think outside tha box. all of youz, i mean so far, live by tha bj BOOKs lol and all tha blahblahblahz in it. go to tha real wurld, maybe tha casinos..i dunno? lol and before you knock it, on sum stupid book, which is all averaged on COMPUTER simulations. TRY IT!:eek: haha
statistly speaking, 4 of over 100 people...itz seem on "4%" of youz think you have what it takez to make blackjack a living. all others are "begginers" haha
i believe tha moneys not yours till its spent. tha casino will never see that exact money in play ever again. so, would you rather lose your hard money little by little or bet with tha banks money with a chance of bettering that investment, which the invester is tha casino and your investing...