EasyRhino said:
A dealer and I joked about this while at the table over the weekend, once you get paid the winnings, the money is yours, not the house's. You could take it home and do something useful with it, like buy taffy.
Like most voodoo strategies, this is really just a tradeoff betwen the frequency of wins and the size of those, when you have them.
A "playing with the house's money" technique would result in lots of losses, few wins, but those wins would be big.
but would they really be wins? because its still the houses money right?
newkidd said:
i believe tha moneys not yours till its spent. tha casino will never see that exact money in play ever again. so, would you rather lose your hard money little by little or bet with tha banks money with a chance of bettering that investment, which the invester is tha casino and your investing with THERE money. those of youz who disagree with me, you and i can debate over for our lifetimes. being a great blackjack player is all about limiting your losses. itz our stuborness. so tha debater continues...
way to replace all your s's with z'z, o's with u's, and say tha instead of the.. thaz tha coolzest, butz az u can seez, iz not skilld nuf 2 talkz like thatz.. anyways, your right, its about limiting losses, which your retard system/logic doesnt do.. what would you rather do, lose $50 little by little, or lose $150 in one big shot, because that is what you are doing when you play with that "system".. have you ever been in a casino?
newkidd said:
i think outside tha box. all of youz, i mean so far, live by tha bj BOOKs lol and all tha blahblahblahz in it. go to tha real wurld, maybe tha casinos..i dunno? lol and before you knock it, on sum stupid book, which is all averaged on COMPUTER simulations. TRY IT!

have you actually been to a real casino? you sound like your 14 and saving up your money to go win it big in the casino when you turn 21, because you have come up with a super system.. any adult would know that people who have done bj math/analysis and count cards for a LIVING know more than them.. im pretty sure you took a wrong turn, and meant to go to ploppy land, where most will agree with you, and teach you some other rock solid bankruptcy skills, because they are all ploppies, none of whom would ever think to read a book or go to a website (anybody who writes a book is just making trash up to try and make money right?), which appearantly you have done, just to let us all know that math isnt "real life" and that your brilliant plan is, and that nobody has ever thot of this but you.. i dare you to go to the casino with all your money and try this out
fwb said:
Casinos know they can lose millions of dollars from card-counters and actively try to stop them. However, they must be losing billions of dollars from people like you who "think outside the box", yet why don't they do anything about it? They will watch and smile as you use your "strategy" without stopping you...why? Sorry if the boundaries of your "box" don't extend that far.
but would the casinos really be losing money? as it wouldnt be the casinos money, it would just be the patrons money.. if a patron winning = casinos money, then a casino winning = patron's money right? if you logically think about what kidd says, it is IMPOSSIBLE to own money, no matter who you are, or what you do.. you know what an AP does? they "own" their money by buying a car with the "houses money"..