I hestitate to tell someone to keep playing if they no longer desire to or have lost that desire, or feel they don't want to deal with the swings
that are part of this game. Other than that I agree with everything Don said. Looks like a pretty good graph to me.
I do want to comment on something else Don said,
"the results can be misleading, because if you increase your stakes at the very time that you hit a losing streak, that streak looks magnified".
I went through a bit of that last year. I generally play an amount, max betting just under $500 because it is an amount very well tolerated at my regular rotation of games. Occasionally I bump through $500 to $600 or $800 on busy weekends, holiday weekends or big event weekends (playing in the shadows of bigger bettors), but generally for most of my rotation, below $500.
So last year, that horrible year that it was with Covid and all, when the casinos reopned in June, I decided to double my stakes to max bet just below $1000. With masks required and pit personnel with new responsibilities, it just seemed like an opportunity to do so without drawing much additional heat. Well, wouldn't you know, I went on a massive losing streak just as I bumped up.

I was losing so much and so fast, I actually erroneously decided the casinos (one in particular)
MUST be cheating me.

Turns out they weren't. It was just my mind running wild, because of bigger swings than I was used to because I had bumped up in stakes.
It took my a while to climb back out of that hole, and because I played off and on last fall and winter, shutting down a couple times, ended up in the black, but
way below expectation for the year. My worse year blackjack-wise in my 11 in Las vegas. Actually my worst year since very early in my career (2006) when I was still playing red chip.
I guess the lesson learned is what Don said, a losing period just as you bump up can skew results negatively and the second thing that losing period
seems to always occur right when you bump up. That is those those gambling/variance Gods and their harsh sense of humor.