1 on 1 good or bad?


Is it good or bad to play 1 on 1 with a dealer?
I often see people unwilling to sit at an empty table.
So does it matter?
Jay :confused:


Well-Known Member
laser3003 said:
Is it good or bad to play 1 on 1 with a dealer?
I often see people unwilling to sit at an empty table.
So does it matter?
Jay :confused:
Does not matter...except that you can play more hands per hour. Which is great if you are trying to make money :D


Well-Known Member
I prefer it

Personally, I prefer heads-up. Especially with a double deck or single deck game. I don't particularly like to go heads up with a multideck shoe. I do not usually enjoy all the theatrics that occur at a full table low minimum shoe game. When every player calls upon whatever gods they are familiar with to give them a sign as to whether to hit a 16 against a face, well, it takes forever! But it can be entertaining <LOL>


Active Member

if you're an AP and are playing to advantages, it's the best for you, you can keep exact track of the count and all the cards are going to just two people, so less variance, plus you can get in many many hands per hour, which means more money for you.

Now, if you're a BS player, then technically more hands would be bad, because your expectation is negative, so you would lose money faster.
I would much rather play heads up then with other people at the table. If I'm betting bigs hands I will ask anyone that walks up to wait until the end of the shoe.

During the last 4 nights I went to my local casino, not in Vegas, played at $25 min table with a 6 deck shoe. Heads up play. My average bet was $100. My bankroll was $400. I won $1000, $1200, $1000, and another $1000. My time at the casino was 15 minutes. 35 minute drive each way. $500 an hour is not bad.


Well-Known Member
BlackJack_Marc said:
I would much rather play heads up then with other people at the table. If I'm betting bigs hands I will ask anyone that walks up to wait until the end of the shoe.

During the last 4 nights I went to my local casino, not in Vegas, played at $25 min table with a 6 deck shoe. Heads up play. My average bet was $100. My bankroll was $400. I won $1000, $1200, $1000, and another $1000. My time at the casino was 15 minutes. 35 minute drive each way. $500 an hour is not bad.
Where is this casino? I gotta go to this place...even if it costs me 500 bucks to fly there :D
Chumash Casino. It's 3 hours north of L.A..

I came in near the end of the first shoe last night. I immediatly counted up to 12 and pushed my bet up. The end of the deck was all 9's and 10's. I had 3 blackjacks. I lost 2 out of 20 hands. I didn't hit a 15. The next card was a 7 anyway. The other hand I didn't hit was a 16. Next card was a 10.


Well-Known Member
BlackJack_Marc said:
Chumash Casino. It's 3 hours north of L.A..

I came in near the end of the first shoe last night. I immediatly counted up to 12 and pushed my bet up. The end of the deck was all 9's and 10's. I had 3 blackjacks. I lost 2 out of 20 hands. I didn't hit a 15. The next card was a 7 anyway. The other hand I didn't hit was a 16. Next card was a 10.
I am making my airplane reservations now! ;) I only hope that I might hit shoe like that at some point in my lifetime :eyepatch:

SoBu Mike

I really like playing 1 on 1. I won 700, 600, and 1100 the last 3 times I went. I was there for long periods of time all 3 times, but I made most of the money either 1 on 1 or 2 on 1. I just beared with it and tried to stay even when the tables are full. it's tough to play an empty table here unless it's between 4 and 9 AM.

Multiple spots

Does anybody play mulitple spots. A friend told me that when playing one on one and things were not going well, try playing two spots to mix up the card flow and then drop back down to one spot again. Does this make since to anyone?

SoBu Mike

I play a second spot for a few hands if it seems like the cards are lined up for the dealer to pull hands. I would guess the serious players believe it doesn't matter whatsoever, but to me, it seems like if the dealer starts busting a lot, you want to keep the cards lined up and not add or drop or hand, so once you find that rythem, keep it until the cards change themselves.


I have not been able to win playing one on one. I have always lost a lot and very quickly. I seem to do best when there are players at the table and I can get the third base spot.


Active Member
I have had some of my best sessions one-on-one. It seems like those positive runs have happened more often for me in that setting. But I still don't mind playing on a table with 3-4 others because I enjoy the personal interaction with other players. I usually try to avoid a full table if possible but that is more of a physical comfort issue than anything else. If you are playing in your host casino, one thing playing at a table with several other players will do is get you more comp action with less money put at risk due to the game being a little slower with more payouts and shuffles more often.
I hit 1k five days in a row. 10 minutes at the casino. Not enough time to really count into the shoe. It be honest it's not that I win every hand. Just that I'm betting big enough to get a head with the hands I do win. My bank roll is $400. Also always 1 on 1.


Well-Known Member
Two Spots

There are pluses and minuses to playing two spots.

The negatives is that if you are into a game where the count is negative (or if you are loosing a lot more hands than you are winning for non card counters) then you will loose twice as fast. You also normally have to double the table minimum on each spot in order to play.

On the positive side, you will win more if you are on a "winning streak". If it is an even win/loss ratio, you will often win one spot and loose the other. In these cases, you can consider the second spot "insurance".

But the really big advantage is that you have twice as many chances of getting good double-downs, splits and of course Blackjacks.