Reduces Variance...
After reading through this thread I was curious about playing 1 or 2 hands heads up for myself, so I ran a simulation using CVData...
I ran the simulation on the games that are accessible to me...
Here are the bet ramps I chose (spreading basically between 1-8) units:
Single hand only: TC0-=$25, TC1=$50, TC2=$75, TC3=$100, TC4=$125, TC5=$150, TC6+=$200
Two hands: TC0-=$25, TC1=$50, TC2=$75, TC3=2x$50, TC4=2x$75, TC5=2x$75, TC6+=2x$100
As you can see, both reach maximum bets ($200 total) at TC6+. I tried to ramp up both in a progression that made sense and was easy to remember...
Here are the results I got using my playing strategy (Hi-Lo with s16+f4+custom indices)
Using the game variables that are available to me locally H17 LS DAS RSA 75% Penetration 100 hands / hour here are the results (400million sims):
1 Hand Strat: action/hr: $5845.31, winrate $73.20, TBA 1.252%, IBA 1.435%, STDdev/Hr 31.76, Score 84.98, N0 11,767
2 Hand Strat: action/hr: $5965.67, winrate $75.21, TBA 1.261%, IBA 1.446%, STDdev/Hr 28.71, Score 109.78, N0 9,109
From what I see:
1) The TBA for two hand strat is about .01% better and the IBA .031% Better
2) Standard Dev is lower/hr by about 3 units or $75.
3) Score is much higher for 2Hand Strat..
4) N0 is considerably shorter for 2 hand Strat..
Although the differences at this level are small... at higher units and bigger ramps the differences with probably show that playing two hands will reduce variance and have larger winrates... and have even shorter N0....
This does make sense to me.... as spreading the same bet amount in one hand to two hands will reduce variance. It makes the jagged line a bit smoother... =). I also like the fact that the N0 is a shorter run..
But I think another most important factor is cover.. to the casino when your playing two hands.. your max bet is 100/hand. so effectively you most your spreading is 1-4units /HAND. Where as with one hand your spreading between 1-8 units. So psychologically it looks like a bigger spread. This is subjective of course. I've read ZGs article a few times and the Grifter's Gambit is interesting. He spreads three hands and when the count gets high he plays one big hand.. so his actual spread is quite large but it "tricks" the casino into thinking he's a superstitious gambler who is just trying to change the flow of cards.
just my $.02..