1 to 4 units

what is this ?

Its hard to make money with 1 to 4 units. Barfunkel from youve got heat and alot of these card counter countersurvelliance books say this as well. infact if you are a green or blackchip player your spread should be 1 to3 units.

Its too hard to make money this way. Can you still get away with counting with higher spread ?

I used to be a speed counter ( What a joke) and I would bet up to 15 units in high count . Most I got was pit boss glaring and on the phone thats it no one told me to go away. Iwas even staying there. Alot of casinos in vegas acted like they didnt even care. Some were weary. But not much of a nuisance. Rythmic Roling at craps No one cared. They even encouraged me and I won a ton of money.

I did double my stake at a table one time at blackjack, I got some heat I jsut went to the cage and cashed and sat at another table and chatted the dealer while playing and I played there forever and lost again in the " High Count"

I put alot of money back from craps with that system


Well-Known Member
there is a local joint by where I live that told me I couldnt play Sp21 or BJ because I was counting, and I was spreading $10-$50 (wasnt trying to make money, was more killing time)

different casinos have different amount of heat and different casinos care different amounts,



I think it is a common misconception to think a conservative spread is detrimental to the point of being dis-advantageous; I'm pretty fresh and not a black-chipper but I had the privilege recently of looking over some of Snyder's older reports, and seeing the difference even from a flat [1:1 spread to 1:4 to 1:12] spread was maybe a gain from .1% to .6% to 1.5%(these numbers are not exact but I don't think my memory is too far off). Yes, a 1:1 is incredibly silly, but if you're playing basic strategy and using a count, you're expecting profits under fair playing conditions. I think it should be recommended highly to use a spread of 1:4 if your bankroll isn't super huge, as you reduce the volatility of the fluctuation. Granted, you wont have 100x unit paydays frequent, but the reverse applies also - the 100x unit losses shouldn't occur as frequent. This conservative style gives a player more time at the table(which is beneficial to fine-tune and hasten his counting abilities), reduces the amount of heat that he will get, and that directly correlates into profits. You won't have to make camouflage plays very often if you're using 1:4 over something like a 1:12. I think it's highly detrimental to suggest super high spreads to someone who is not approaching expert status(or has the high-roller bankroll) because they have the impression 1:8 or 1:12 is the only acceptable way; you can burn through a bankroll so fast using such high spreads, even in advantageous situations. Taking a lower spread lowers your overall profit % but you're still at an advantage to make money and you reduce the fluctuation greatly. I would highly suggest that people strongly consider the fine-line between risk-reward and it's volatile fluctuations.