10 deck BJ??


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
what exactly is losing your ass? down 300 units? -$3 :laugh: Long losing streaks wouldn't be quite so painful.
:grin: Clearly you've never experienced the thrill of going "all-in" with 36 cents left and getting a BJ.

And, wild and crazy gambler that I am, boldy risking all 90 cents on the next hand only to lose it all lmao.

To your point, I actually, had I flat-bet, would have won 24 units lifetime. Since my voodoo progression crap occurred on a full-moon on a Tuesday, I should have realized that before I played, I still lost most of all the the bonuses I ever received there. So a slight profit compared to my investment but losing almost all of bonus money I call losing my ass. No excuses except, yes, I often betted like a fool lmao.

Hey, how about that 59-0 game in the snow - that tops that Cin game I think we once talked about lmao. Yep - took Tenn lmao.


Well-Known Member
Canceler said:
Wouldn't it be hard for the dealer to pick up that many decks to put them in the shoe?
Eh, it got hard for a lot of dealers once they had to switch from 6 to 8 decks. I love watching all the cards splatter all over the table only to see them quickly try to pick them up before the pit critter sees ;) Just the very fact that small dealers have so much trouble picking up the 8 deckers leads to lots of goodies for the AP :)

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
I think he is trying to say that a RC in the double digits when the shoe is almost over will no longer be advantageous in a 10D game where it would be in an 8D game.




You guys stop picking on BillyTheBJKid! After all, he is good at counting because he said so in a post looking for investors because he is a little short of cash right now. The post is entitled "Investors" in the "general" section. 8 decks, 10 decks, 12 decks... what's the difference ANYWAY????

H17 is ruinous enough that I just can't be bothered with playing it! Bump in the road??? Maybe I don't like bumps in the road! Why play that crap if better exists? What the hell... be ADVENTUROUS and do a REAL "bump in the road" and play a little 6to5 while you are at it!

Wait a sec here... what about those REALLY adventurous types that need a real challenge to show just how truly awesome they are? I have the answer--- 10 decks, H17, 6:5, no DAS. I am a wimp that doesn't like bumps in the road and has no sense of adventure so I will watch you guys play...
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Blue Efficacy said:
I think he is trying to say that a RC in the double digits when the shoe is almost over will no longer be advantageous in a 10D game where it would be in an 8D game.

It depends. It was said that he had better not be using a balanced system if he can't tell 10D from 8D, and I say it's the opposite. Let's say you are using High-Low and you have a RC of +12 right in the middle of the shoe. The TC is +3 if it's a 8D shoe and +2.4 if it's a 10D shoe. Get your bet down either way.

But let's say you are using an unbalanced system in running count mode, the unbalance is 1 rank, you have 10 decks so the IRC should be -40 but you are using -32 because you think it's 8 decks. A difference of 8 RC's in an unbalanced system is a big deal, can equate to about 2% difference in advantage in a shoe game.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Let's say you are using High-Low and you have a RC of +12 right in the middle of the shoe. The TC is +3 if it's a 8D shoe and +2.4 if it's a 10D shoe. Get your bet down either way.
But would you take insurance at that point? If you don't know which game you're playing you won't make the right decision. And what happens when the 10D game deals out 7 decks but the player thinks he's playing an 8D game? His TCs are going to be pretty far off, yes? His TC calculations will always be higher than the actual TC so his bets will be larger than are appropriate. Essentially he is overbetting his bankroll, making a few bigger -EV bets and making weaker playing decisions. That's a bad combo.



Well-Known Member
Tarzan said:
You guys stop picking on BillyTheBJKid! After all, he is good at counting because he said so in a post looking for investors because he is a little short of cash right now. The post is entitled "Investors" in the "general" section. 8 decks, 10 decks, 12 decks... what's the difference ANYWAY????

H17 is ruinous enough that I just can't be bothered with playing it! Bump in the road??? Maybe I don't like bumps in the road! Why play that crap if better exists? What the hell... be ADVENTUROUS and do a REAL "bump in the road" and play a little 6to5 while you are at it!

Wait a sec here... what about those REALLY adventurous types that need a real challenge to show just how truly awesome they are? I have the answer--- 10 decks, H17, 6:5, no DAS. I am a wimp that doesn't like bumps in the road and has no sense of adventure so I will watch you guys play...
Lol @ 10 decks, H17, 6:5, no DAS. Would be better off playing against CSM, but I'm sure if there was such a game and it was $10 all seats would be full.

Billy the kid? Well I don't want to pick on him. He has been all over the place with his posts. I know that for him and some of the other newbies, card counting is very new and exciting to them. I think we were all there at one point, myself more recently than most of you. :) I just wish they would take better advantage of the resources that are available here and on other sites, that many of you did not have available when you were "coming up".

Now H17. Ruinous?? I don't know. It's not unplayable (double negative there....my english teacher would be so proud), but I avoid it for the most part. Since right now, most of my play is in AC were except for H17/S17 the rules are pretty uniform. You can't find a game with say surrender to offset some of the h17 disadvantage. (I have heard surrender exists or can be requested in some very high limit games....but I don't have access to them) So basically the only way to overcome the extra disadvantage is deeper penetration. If I happen to see a H17 with deep pen, I would consider playing it, but for the most part, all things being equal, I scout the s17 games. At some casinos, like Taj, resorts, the h17 games are low limit and s17 are $25 and up. So even if you walk by a h17 game and it has deep penetration, is it worth getting into a $10 table that is probably full and playing far fewer hands per hour?

Just my thoughts.
Sonny said:
But would you take insurance at that point? If you don't know which game you're playing you won't make the right decision. And what happens when the 10D game deals out 7 decks but the player thinks he's playing an 8D game? His TCs are going to be pretty far off, yes? His TC calculations will always be higher than the actual TC so his bets will be larger than are appropriate. Essentially he is overbetting his bankroll, making a few bigger -EV bets and making weaker playing decisions. That's a bad combo.

Re: insurance, when you are that close to the insurance point it doesn't matter all that much whether you take it or not. Snyder showed that you can take insurance on anything larger than a minimum bet and it doesn't amount to very much, because all the profit from insurance comes from huge counts anyway and all the loss comes from taking it in low counts.

Now with the deck estimation, sure if you perceive 3 decks as 1 deck that's going to cause a big problem in deck estimation. Hold some cards in your hand and I couldn't tell you whether it's a deck or a deck and a half. But... I can look at a shoe of cards and compare the dealt to the undealt portion and tell you if it's 20% left, 30% left and so on. Everyone's visual perception is different, but that's the way I judge decks left in a shoe, by ratios, and I'd suspect a person who couldn't tell 10 from 8 would have to do it the same way. Thus they're only going to be off by 25%, not 300%. Not disastrous.

My only point in bringing this up is that using the wrong IRC in a running-count based system really can be disastrous, so if you are betting the RC you had better know how many decks you started with.